Marssonina Leaf Blotch


5 year old buck +
Wondering who has seen Marssonina Leaf Blotch and on what varieties? We’ve had a wet year here in NY. I see it on a bunch of my columnar trees. It’s not easy to tell from scab until the leaves turn yellow. I first noticed it in 2018 which was a wet summer. I haven’t been to my orchard in a month so I’m not sure what might be happening there in PA.

info and pictures can be found here.
Some of the apple trees in my orchard have been hit hard by the Marssonina Leaf Blotch this year. I also first noted the problem in 2018 and have had problems every year since with some of the varieties being fully defoliated by August/September. I have tried to keep up with fungicide sprays with only limited success. I noted that both Freedom and Golden Delicious trees were nearly void of leaves when I last sprayed Sept. 2nd. I will try to take an inventory of the condition of my trees during my next visit.
I checked the trees in my yard and found just an occasional leaf with this, but nothing even close to being a problem. I found some leaves on Freedom, Caney Fork LT, and Myers LT, but all three trees had good apple crops this year.