Man's best friend


Was out yesterday looking to improve my stand access routes by using a creek on my place and had a little help. These 3 also make up my deer recovery team - though none of them are officially trained. They are all pets first and are not true working dogs in any form. The black one and red one both HATE guns - they hide under the bed just getting them out of the gun cabinet. They however will follow me any where. I figured most of us have dogs and if yours are like mine they can be a big part of your life. Mine are the first to meet me at the back door every night (even before the wife and kids) after work and they could care less as to how my day went - they just want some attetion.

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This one above is Buddy "bud-bud" - he is part coonhound part beagle that my boy adopted as a stray. He is roughly 2 years old and is full of energy, but dumb as a post. He has that true coonhound voice however and as such when we need to find a deer we know when they are trailing and once they have located it.

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Above is Sasha "stinky" she had an early reputation for finding the freshest pile in the pasture when she was younger. She is a true mut -mama was a mut and the daddy was a sneaky neighbor dog. We adopted her from some folks we knew down the road. She was still damp for hours after this pic! She is the best nose of my team. She however is the submissive one as well.

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Above is Lucy and is "the boss" she is the oldest and is a lab/healer mix - very smart (adopted from a shelter as a pup). She is pushing 10 years old and is starting to get stiff in the back end, but loves the water. She is my dog (regardless if I like it or not) - she is my 4 legged shadow. She absolutely hates when I go hunting because she has to stay home. She will litterally throw herself against the door. If you want to know where I am outside turn her loose and follow close - she will find me!

I'm sure I am not alone - what sort of 4 legged friends do you all have?
Looks like a hell of a team, my pooch lives in the back of my truck.
MO I bet them barn cats take care of a lot of mice for you.
Yep - cats stay in the barn - at least the live ones do! Sometimes its a hell of a team alright! Get a car to turn around in the drive at mid-night. Everybody even the neighbors 1/2 mile down the road knows about it! They tend to keep the UPS man in his truck as well! Something about a blackdog that tends to make people think twice (good dog, good dog). The red one does something I have never seen another dog do though. She chases buzzards and hawks. It's like she thinks our place is a "no fly zone"! Its funny to watch. She will be just fine and then all of the sudden she just looses her mind (she is the "calm" one of the three) and will chase it away. No issue with planes or smaller birds or even the occasional geese that land in the field. If it circles - it's on!
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Yep - cats stay in the barn - at least the live ones do! Sometimes its a hell of a team alright! Get a car to turn around in the drive at mid-night. Everybody even the neighbors 1/2 mile down the road knows about it! They tend to keep the UPS man in his truck as well! Something about a blackdog that tends to make people think twice (good dog, good dog). The red one does something I have never seen another dog do though. She chases buzzards and hawks. It's like she thinks our place is a "no fly zone"! Its funny to watch. She will be just fine and then all of the sudden she just looses her mind (she is the "calm" one of the three) and will chase it away. No issue with planes or smaller birds or even the occasional geese that land in the field. If it circles - it's on!
That would be fun to see