Made it to the farm today

My dad used that gun. He doesn’t hunt anymore. He gave the gun to me.
You sure have developed some nice deer on that property Bill. Congrats to you and your brother!
My dad used that gun. He doesn’t hunt anymore. He gave the gun to me.

Don’t know about yours but ours is a tack driver with stock Remington 150 grain pointed soft points.
The bladed 2 and 3 on the right antler are wicked looking.
The pretty pictures.



Here’s the “fake”shot…
A friend wanted to take some shots. Now I know how they do it :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
But I think the real shots look better.

How my day started. Fortunately it ended well and I was glad I prepared for some unintended fire!

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Looking forward to it. I'm still a couple months out but cant start planning to early. The one thing that I wasn't able to do this past year because of a huge work load was mow my fire breaks. Im hoping that Mowing them in the spring will be ok. The one way I can see it working is if i am able to down to the valley after the snow is gone but the ground is still frozen. One side of the property is usually pretty boggy. It's always a timing issue.
Burn baby.

That’s bigger then I would attempt alone.
Burn baby.

That’s bigger then I would attempt alone.
My buddy was there in the Bobcat, however my son's sarcastic comment was definitely on point :-). Had the SxS loaded with a 100 gallon water tank and a hose sprayer. I had the backpack sprayer as well. The first field went smoothly because I could back the fire into the wind and downhill to get a big char line before going to the other side to light it. Got a little cocky on the second field. Ended up having some drift into the hardwoods at the swamp edge, but we were able to use the water to get control.

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Burning scares the hell out of me! I've got to many shrubs planted in our pasture to ever do anything like that on purpose.
I mow and rake fire breaks to burn outside my shrubs which in a way I do to protect them as much as anything in case an un controlled fire gets started.No different than putting 15 ft of gravel around the outside of my buildings.It looks great and looks like a good burn
To wet to plant beans this week. I did get some apples, pears and persimmons in.

Somehow I always like the sound of continued snapping and popping when I leave the timber.


Other than that I did some general maintenance and had a ,new to me, tractor dropped off. No more sunburn or shivering for me…
And it’s just old enough that no DEF is needed.

No time for turkey hunting? Im sitting this season out for first time in 39 years. Population is so low on my place.
I did get some apples, pears and persimmons in
Atta boy, thats one sexy tractor bud!! Congrats!
How were the roots on the Persimmons?