Made it to the farm today

Here’s a good comparison showing what some timely rains will do.

7/23 about 6 weeks after planting and dry conditions. You can see a rabbit standing up. At the cursor.


8/22 after some rains. Finally think we’re going to make some beans.
And I love the yellow pigweed after feeding it some liberty :)
Beans would have been fine for deer with out spraying them. But I didn’t want 8 billion seeds.....

18 days post seeding. Looks like I’ll have some decent salad greens this fall.

Lookin good there. On that elevated platform you built, will you put a tent on it and crossbow hunt from it? What's the key to doing that... just get it in the best spot or attempt to conceal, brush it in, hide it?? I can't remember, were you in a tent when you shot your monster last year?
Lookin good there. On that elevated platform you built, will you put a tent on it and crossbow hunt from it? What's the key to doing that... just get it in the best spot or attempt to conceal, brush it in, hide it?? I can't remember, were you in a tent when you shot your monster last year?

No I was in a ladder stand when I got my deer last year.

The plan with the platform is really to use it next year. It’s on a lease I have where the farmer alternates beans and corn. This year is beans so the strategy won’t work. I’ve noticed over the years that if I get a blind up in a picked corn field within about 48 hours of it being picked the deer don’t even care about it. I figure the field went a major transition and they just thinks it’s part of the destruction. I’ll pick it up with the FEL and move it right out into the field when the combine is done. We did this last year on the ground and it turned out to be an awesome stand. Just needed a bit more height to see over the hills when rifle season rolled in.

Haven’t gotten to “how” I’ll actually attach the pop up. Probably ratchet straps or even sheet rock screws.

As a side note we used a double bull 360 blind that you can see through the walls but the deer can’t see in. I was amazed by the thing. Had a doe 5 yards away and I was waving my arms. The only problem I had was it gave me a headache looking through the walls. My son had no problems and loved it. Gotta love Cabelas points. It was free...
No I was in a ladder stand when I got my deer last year.

The plan with the platform is really to use it next year. It’s on a lease I have where the farmer alternates beans and corn. This year is beans so the strategy won’t work. I’ve noticed over the years that if I get a blind up in a picked corn field within about 48 hours of it being picked the deer don’t even care about it. I figure the field went a major transition and they just thinks it’s part of the destruction. I’ll pick it up with the FEL and move it right out into the field when the combine is done. We did this last year on the ground and it turned out to be an awesome stand. Just needed a bit more height to see over the hills when rifle season rolled in.

Haven’t gotten to “how” I’ll actually attach the pop up. Probably ratchet straps or even sheet rock screws.

As a side note we used a double bull 360 blind that you can see through the walls but the deer can’t see in. I was amazed by the thing. Had a doe 5 yards away and I was waving my arms. The only problem I had was it gave me a headache looking through the walls. My son had no problems and loved it. Gotta love Cabelas points. It was free...
How is scent control in those see through blinds.
How is scent control in those see through blinds.

I doubt it holds the scent in much better than an open stand.
Also never hunted it in the rain but I’ve heard you may as well be sitting out in the rain because they leak and the rain water fills in the holes so it is no longer see through.
So over the last 4 weekends I have planted all my plots with an oat and clover mix, planted some rape and daikon radish strips alongside or in the plots, and got out some millet and rice in the wetlands that I had sprayed (my best TNM effort, without the M) and the new duck hole my son and I cleared with a lot of sweat and chainsaw work. Last week I hopped in the Massey, loaded the Firminator, and planted 3 plots along with about 2 miles of inner road in one day.I would have NEVER gotten this done with the ATV set up. Getting the tractor and planter has absolutely changed my productivity beyond what I imagined. Went down yesterday to see everything from last week germinating. Here's the pics from yesterday:
My first time to do this by myself. A little nervous doing it, but all turned out well. trying to get this area back to early succession


Wetlands. The creek extends much further than the pic shows. Pretty much everything green is rice or Jap millet. Some smartweed as well. Creek is low now, but about to start raising the level. Still have my flashboard riser to attach to the pipe I placed

This is the hole we made and cleared.Looks dry now, but we were swamp logging when we were clearing. Pic is from a week ago. Yesterday, it looked twice as high and thick!
Have you tried setting it up in a freshly harvested bean field within a day just the same way as with corn? Seems it could still work since the field will also have gone thru the change and destruction. Set it up while the harvest crew is in the field... trucks, tractors, combines, platform tents... all part of the same operation!
Have you tried setting it up in a freshly harvested bean field within a day just the same way as with corn? Seems it could still work since the field will also have gone thru the change and destruction. Set it up while the harvest crew is in the field... trucks, tractors, combines, platform tents... all part of the same operation!

I use a bale blind on an outside corner of a bean field. Put it up the day the beans are cut.
Last year I set the 360 up there and when I backed off and looked at it, “I” didn’t like the way it looked so I swapped it out with the bale blind. I doubt the deer would treat either differently.

The deer are not bothered greatly by it. But somehow it’s not completely ignored like it is in a freshly picked corn field.
I doubt it holds the scent in much better than an open stand.
Also never hunted it in the rain but I’ve heard you may as well be sitting out in the rain because they leak and the rain water fills in the holes so it is no longer see through.
Good to know, thanks.
No I was in a ladder stand when I got my deer last year.

The plan with the platform is really to use it next year. It’s on a lease I have where the farmer alternates beans and corn. This year is beans so the strategy won’t work. I’ve noticed over the years that if I get a blind up in a picked corn field within about 48 hours of it being picked the deer don’t even care about it. I figure the field went a major transition and they just thinks it’s part of the destruction. I’ll pick it up with the FEL and move it right out into the field when the combine is done. We did this last year on the ground and it turned out to be an awesome stand. Just needed a bit more height to see over the hills when rifle season rolled in.

Haven’t gotten to “how” I’ll actually attach the pop up. Probably ratchet straps or even sheet rock screws.

As a side note we used a double bull 360 blind that you can see through the walls but the deer can’t see in. I was amazed by the thing. Had a doe 5 yards away and I was waving my arms. The only problem I had was it gave me a headache looking through the walls. My son had no problems and loved it. Gotta love Cabelas points. It was free...
Interesting technique putting blind up after corn harvest. Do deer come within bow range.
Interesting technique putting blind up after corn harvest. Do deer come within bow range.

But we’ve never killed a monster out of it with a bow. Plenty of real good bucks could have went down with a rifle over the years.

:) no it was me.
Broadcast my rye into the beans. They’ll be yellowing and letting in some light in few weeks.
Anyone ever seen the Neverending story? (don't recommend it but sadly I've seen it a few times). Why do I feel like the Rockbiter spread the rye in Bill's beans...

LOL^ The DIY cultipacker! I remember that movie... its been a long time!

Bill, you cant be running over your beans like that! Now you need to invest in a plane! Maybe a DRONE with a spreader...:emoji_thinking: I might be onto something!
LOL^ The DIY cultipacker! I remember that movie... its been a long time!

Bill, you cant be running over your beans like that! Now you need to invest in a plane! Maybe a DRONE with a spreader...:emoji_thinking: I might be onto something!

I won’t be doing this long enough to see it. But plotting may be fun when these are 20 years of old.
Them run-over beans just help get sunlight to the rye!!!
I won’t be doing this long enough to see it. But plotting may be fun when these are 20 years of old.

Wow! Thats crazy... well im a day late and dollar short again, go figure!

Sadly thats what it will probably take to get todays youth into plotting, make it like a video game!

Imagine throw 'n go type plotting practices with that thing. You could realistically sit on your porch and spray and plant all your brassicas, clovers, and small grains by aerial broadcast. The only labor would be "loading" it at the landing site with either seed or herbicide. Mind blowing!