Looks like the DNR is gonna close down Mille Lacs

I think folks should be standing in line outside the Indain Casio's ......protesting the way the Indian community is destroying our natural resources.....and raping the senior citizens of their wealth. Shamefull.
Nailed it Fogster....
Just saw on Channel 4 news that Governor Dayton is headed to Mille Lacs on Friday, and that he is ready to call a special session once legislative leaders agree on a bailout package. Almost zero mention of the DNR making this lake FUBAR and zero mention of nets. Where is the facepalm emoticon??
Just saw on Channel 4 news that Governor Dayton is headed to Mille Lacs on Friday, and that he is ready to call a special session once legislative leaders agree on a bailout package. Almost zero mention of the DNR making this lake FUBAR and zero mention of nets. Where is the facepalm emoticon??

send me details plz if you have them.
Hahahaha! They want to call meetings and form committees to look at the problems on Mille Lacs....3 letters D-N-R, not complicated!
Hahahaha! They want to call meetings and form committees to look at the problems on Mille Lacs....3 letters D-N-R, not complicated!

Or maybe N E T?

Huge coincidence that the only class of walleye being caught was born the year the ice left so late the tribal take was nothing? Or maybe that just supports the global warming theory for walleyes that only effects Mille lacs.
That's what gooberment does, form committees, have meetings, spend our money....and come up with b.s. solutions while avoiding any non-P.C. topics
Yeah, but the catered lunches are probably pretty good.
Or maybe N E T?

Huge coincidence that the only class of walleye being caught was born the year the ice left so late the tribal take was nothing? Or maybe that just supports the global warming theory for walleyes that only effects Mille lacs.
This is it.
Have any Supreme court rulings went down against the tribes?
I just heard that the ciry of Duluth lost one against the Fon duLac tribe.
Operation Squarehook was a big waste of government money as I think all charges were dropped.
Looks like the Mille Lacs band is gonna halt the netting next year. The announcement by gov mushmouth was met with a standing ovation at the Mille Lacs town hall meeting.


One of the Fellegy brothers that have been fight hard for years was trying to make a statement and Dayton disrupted him and called him a racist and they had quite an exchange.

Wonder why the Indians arent gonna net next year if it was never a problem??
Fellegy could win a debate over Dayton anytime!!
Will the tribes be doing more netting on the smaller lakes?
I'm a little surprised that more folks have not boycotted the Mil Lac's Casino.....and picket their property. Someone like Brooks (ahem) could get folks riled up enough to put a hurt on that Casino. The way it is now.....the Band is buying-up property to expand their base. Not right.

I dunno about all these minority group "rights". Maybe a race war is what's needed? I'm feeling abused. :eek:
Someone like Brooks (ahem) could get folks riled up enough to put a hurt on that Casino. :eek:

I'm a cat fisherman. We use those slots sized fish for bait.
Regarding the band using the gaming proceeds from the casino to purchase resorts they have put out of biz...... < this feels a bit like Sandburs plan to extract money out of folks hurting for rain.....and investing in beer.....then not sharing with me. Simply appalling.
Tragedy of the commons
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The tragedy of the commons is a term, originally used by Garrett Hardin, to denote a situation where individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. The term is taken from the title of an article written by Hardin in 1968, which is in turn based upon an essay by a Victorian economist on the effects of unregulated grazing on common land.

"Commons" in this sense has come to mean such resources as atmosphere, oceans, rivers, fish stocks, the office refrigerator, energy or any other shared resource which is not formally regulated, not common land in its agricultural sense.

The tragedy of the commons concept is often cited in connection with sustainable development, meshing economic growth and environmental protection, as well as in the debate over global warming. It has also been used in analyzing behavior in the fields of economics, evolutionary psychology, anthropology, game theory, politics, taxation, and sociology. However the concept, as originally developed, has also received criticism for not taking into account the many other factors operating to enforce or agree on regulation in this scenario.
Regarding the band using the gaming proceeds from the casino to purchase resorts they have put out of biz...... < this feels a bit like Sandburs plan to extract money out of folks hurting for rain.....and investing in beer.....then not sharing with me. Simply appalling.

I've got a Business Plan, you don't.
Sounds like they are going to allow "ceremonial netting." Anyone know how I can renounce my US citizenship and become a band member?? At least change religions so that I can have ceremonies once in a while too. Gotta be the only religion in the world where they dont allow anyone not born into to join. Who's the racist again??

The band will probably get most of the bailout money from the state.

Anyone have a youtube video of the town hall meeting?? Anyone go??
Here is some video of Dayton trying to yell down Joe Fellegy. If anyone can translate into English what mush-mouth is saying from 23-35 seconds I would sure like to know.
