Looking to add lots of browse shrubs. What nursery would you recommend ?

I didn't think shrubs would help my farm but I have found that the deer do browse them and the Plum and Chokecherry create cover! Dogwood is great for browse.
I have a heck of a time fighting Autumn Olive any opening I make. It grows along every fenceline, uncut hayfield and even manages to grow in the understory in all but north facing slopes. If it's not AO it's multifora rose. Occassionally I'll get a tree grow though. I feel like I have to plant something just to get some diversity in the seed bank. You bring up an interesting point about cutting rather than planting though.
You know anybody who lives in NY? The NYSDEC nursery spring seedling sale. They start the sale in january.

long island packet can be good for what your looking to do. PRarie willow might be a good one too.

CT looks like they got one.

I live at 12526 in NY. Not too far from CT border if you want too add to the order.
My wife has accused me of moving MDC to east texas.......

That nursery is a candy store
