Loblolly x pitch juglone tolerant?

Dan M

Yearling... With promise
Have found mixed results with a google search. Anyone have success growing loblolly x pitch trees in close proximity to black walnuts? I have about ten acres of walnuts that I am going to aggressively thin. I will keep only the best timber trees. I want to plant something to increase cover in this stand but I have seen how deadly the juglone is on many species. Open to any other ideas as well. zone 4.
I can't answer that ? But I can say I planted 50 loblolly x pitch in zone 4 and they all died in their first winter. That was last winter which was as bad as it gets but dead is dead.
That sucks chummer. Everything I read says zone 4 tolerant . Last winter was awful though. I lost ten giant thujas in my yard that froze hard. Sorry for the late reply been crazy busy lately!!
I tried some in zone 4 too.. They didn't make it. (2 winters ago)

I did some searching and most places I saw said that pines are not juglone tolerant. But it did not list specific varieties. So even if they made it in zone 4, the walnuts might do them in.
