Life on a thread.....


5 year old buck +
Met a nice guy here in our neighborhood in AZ a few months back. We have some of the same interests and he is a really good guy. Then....he got cancer.....and his prognosis (this past week) does not sound good. Going out to dinner with him, and the "boys" tomorrow night. The other guys are going to a movie later.....and he and I are going to dinner....then home.

Tough duty.....being a friend to a guy I don't know very well.....and his time is short. Hard to find the words he wants / needs to hear. He is the second guy this year that cudda been (and is) one of my very best friends. It does not get easier with age. Waaay too many good guys have passed in the last few years.

Gotta say this: Do NOT hold back on your plans with family and friends. Time is shorter than you think. Just do it!
You'll have to make the best of the time you do have.
I'm sitting here with two family members having major procedures done this morning. One on each side of the family.

Relative/hunting buddy having open heart surgery and my father in law having a brain scan where they have to shut off his pace maker for awhile. We know his time is very limited....
Tuff News Tom, never easy dealing with bad things. Hopefully he has faith and hope that god will be there for him.

You are right; don’t save everything for tomorrow as quickly time and your physical ability can be against you. You can’t take it with you and experiences do differ when you age.

Another thing you need to do is keep good care of yourself physically and mentally. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, take vitamins and go to the doctor regularly.

This is one way I look at it; people are biological machines and wear out or break down just like mechanical machines. If you want to get the most quality years out of your life you need to maintain yourself like you were taking care of your most prized piece of equipment. If you neglect it and don’t maintain it, if you poor bad fuels down it regularly and take your health for granted your health will perform poorly when you get allot of years on it. This is a fact.

There is allot of good information out there on health and exercise, there is no reason not to make an effort at being healthy.

Very sorry Tom, best wishes.