Lets discuss the NDA

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

“All warfare is based on deception."

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Gary has that down.
Heres some fun NDA news. Appears their email was not receiving email. Unreal. This group is so far from being viable. They are a complete disservice to the deer hunters of America. Only way they found out was Banc or another admin over on the dark side let the board know about my challenge to them on the QDMA forum, so they reached out to see what was up.

So disgusted with QDMA and NDA. Private money is flowing into NDA, they are having a big fundraiser first week in May and guys are giving $220 hard earned cash to get in while they are doing nothing to represent the deer hunters. Unless you think Facebook is some kind of magic media. Complete BS.

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Shawn Schafer from the North American Deer Farmers Assoc will be speaking there and on a panel discussion of deer farming.
Must be some of the same email issues on the dark side. After signing up for their forum to "discuss things", I have sent 3 emails and 7 PMs to try and get my account activated. I have rec'd exactly 0 responses in the last month. Not sure if I have been "banned" before I can even post or what. They definately have issues.
Heres some fun NDA news. Appears their email was not receiving email. Unreal. This group is so far from being viable. They are a complete disservice to the deer hunters of America. Only way they found out was Banc or another admin over on the dark side let the board know about my challenge to them on the QDMA forum, so they reached out to see what was up.

So disgusted with QDMA and NDA. Private money is flowing into NDA, they are having a big fundraiser first week in May and guys are giving $220 hard earned cash to get in while they are doing nothing to represent the deer hunters. Unless you think Facebook is some kind of magic media. Complete BS.

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Only happened to a couple of hundred emails....only?!?!? That's funny right there. What do they have Matt Ross working on at the NDA?
Kinda funny, you get an email from Matt Ross @qdma in regards to an issue signing up with NDA :confused:

Think its time for the two to become separate entities if they want any credibility. NDA sure looks to me like the lobbying "branch" of QDMA right now.
Yep....they "wanted" distance between the two....but so far it's all QDMA staff, all the time.
I remain highly suspect. Seeing Alt as a speaker only makes me more suspicious. Ted asked me if he should reach out to Kip for help on the audit points and I said sure, but I also let him know they act more like part of our problem than our solution.
A deer farmers son from Iowa is on the NDA board. Krony Deerism. They are reading the Clinton playbook, non profit, $$$$$.
Who's that? I've not followed the NDA at all since it's nothing but a dog and pony show up to this point.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:04 AM, <CDough1103@aol.com> wrote:

Brooks--Thank you for the enlightening letter. I now believe I know more about where you are coming from. I believe it would be productive to discuss how the NDA and the MN Bowhunters can work together in behalf of deer in your home state. Are you planning to attend the National Deer Summit in May? If so, perhaps we could sit down and have a productive conversation.

Craig Dougherty,Executive Director
National Deer Alliance (NDA)
700 N. Main St.
Newark NY 14513
c-315 573 3374
w-607 695 9004

Brooks Johnson <mbipresident@gmail.com>

5:51 PM (28 minutes ago)



to CDough1103

I do not plan on attending. I had an invite for last year but declined when Kip Adams and crew soured my taste for the potential.

QDMA Regional Dustin Smith assured other local chapters that my approach was not appropriate, and that QDMA had the answers and would be addressing the issues in MN after the banquet last year. Then POOF. Money from banquet collected and no word from corporate on the MN issue. None.

One email from NDA is not enough to garnish 3 days and $1,000 after what I have seen so far.

I hope NDA steps up and becomes the voice as we need one. My optimism is low from what I have seen to date, and I will continue to express my opinions on the topic, positive and negative.
