Lets discuss the NDA

I have signed up twice and never receive anything. Maybe I will use another name next time.
I am a memeber and I do the surveys but I still don't see this going anywhere. Poaching sucks - I agree, but there are far bigger issues at the moment and I have informed them of my opinion. In most cases real change comes at a local level (see the MDDI) - until people are united enough to confront the true issue nothing will happen. It would be intersting to see even how many of these members even participate in the surveys. A national organzation is going to have little impact on state and county level issues.

Your swatting flies with a frying pan! Lots of energy, lots of show, lots of noise - more than likely not very effective.
I am in the 70% that advocate in some way for the shooting of albino bucks. But not albino does.
Latest NDA "battle cry"...."would you shoot an albino deer?"

Seriously? That's a pertinent issue in the world of today's deer management :eek:

That's a MAJOR ISSUE for spending of donors money?

Maybe they need an audit?

Glad I have not signed up.......

Trade Show Notice | 12.31.14

National Deer Alliance Set to Spread the Word at the 2015 ATA Show

Newark, NY- The National Deer Alliance in conjunction with the Archery Trade Association will be hosting a joint press conference at the 2015 ATA Show on Thursday, January 8th from 5:00-5:45pm in Room 134 of the Indiana Convention Center. The event will formally introduce the rapidly growing National Deer Alliance, and discuss the goals and mission of the organization.

Supporters of the NDA such as hunting celebrities, supporting industry companies and related conservation groups will all be in attendance to discuss the importance and need to create a unified voice for the conservation of deer and deer hunting and the fight against habitat loss, increased predation, disease, and questionable management practices.

The event will feature a newly formed Board of Directors and Executive Director Craig Dougherty who will highlight achievements to date and organizational plans for the future. Industry and conservation organization leaders, including QDMA, Whitetails Unlimited, and The Mule Deer Foundation will be on hand to offer their perspective on the newly formed organization. The event will conclude with an open question and answer session regarding the future of deer and deer hunting and other important aspects revolving around the National Deer Alliance.

Membership in NDA is free and includes a comprehensive weekly e-newsletter on issues impacting deer and deer hunting in North America. For more information, or to join the thousands of other hunters who are committed to preserving our deer hunting heritage, visit www.nationaldeeralliance.com

About the National Deer Alliance
The NDA is a new organization dedicated to uniting deer hunters, managers and enthusiasts like never before and harnessing this power to achieve positive outcomes for deer and deer hunting. NDA’s goal is to serve as the unified voice of the modern deer hunter and guardian of North America’s wild deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage. NDA fuels the passion for deer hunting and conservation through engagement, fellowship, and education. For more information visit www.nationaldeeralliance.com
They sound like a true committee, the definition of which is: a collection of the incompetent, chosen from the unqualified to do the unnecessary. Come to think of it, that sounds like the same definition as that of politicians.
Sorry, but I can't even take any of this stuff even marginally serious. Comes off as way too much mental masturbation for me to take seriously at all.
Looks to me like a lame attempt by QDMA to create a lobbyist group to spew their verbal diarrhea on our behalf. I'm out!
"Perpetuate a problem, claim to be the solution and get paid a boatload for a lifetime." -said the lobbyist.
The board of directors has been announced....anybody feeling any better about this? :eek:

  • ATK Sporting Group (Ryan Bronson, Conservation & Public Policy Director)

I used to loan Bronson 20 blinds, calls, decoys etc for the DNR youth turkey hunts. He owns land next to Pat Morstad the QDMA state president, and Pat has become well versed in the issues here in MN. Big Jerry, BigBass, MNAaron and Bacwds11 may want to find Bronsons email and phone number. They hunt the same area.

I will be engaging with Bronson again now that I know he is on the board, but riddle me this. These guys all of these bought their way on to the board. Is that normal? Is that a good or bad thing?

Were their email addresses listed in the release?
Yup...bought their way on is accurate. Nope..email addresses were not included
I feel slighted because i shoot a mathews...lol.

Seriously though...i'm not sure about the buy in. In some ways one could argue that they now have skin in the game. You could also argue that they have an investment to protect which could reinforce ulterior motives.
As they say, "Talk is cheap". My expectations for them are very low.
True enough. I do think these guys intend to do something...not sure what, but there are a bunch of egos involved. These guys aren't doing this for shits and giggles, they intend to get something done.
Ego is the downfall of so many great things.

Yes, the something is what in question. While the two other deer orgs have seats and skin in the game, i'm still not comfortable with Brian Murphy's seat on the board, and top billing at that. As of right now there are 8 seats, if something goes to a vote who is the tie breaker? I do see they ended the list with the caveat of additional members to be named.
A quick deer farm derail for a second. I have venison medallions in a restaurant last week, where does that venison come from? You cann't sell wild game, so it must have come from a farm right?
A quick deer farm derail for a second. I have venison medallions in a restaurant last week, where does that venison come from? You cann't sell wild game, so it must have come from a farm right?

I have hunted fenced places in Texas that sell far more axis and fallow deer to restaurants than hunters shoot.
Most resturaunt venison is high fence New Zealand red deer.
Edit out the New Zealand and Nofo's got it- most is domestic red deer.
Also, I think smith's 100% correct on his guess. If this is basically intended to be the lobbying arm of QDMA (my personal opinion), that is the number one legislative issue they have had to keep at arm's length. Most of their other goals they probably feel they can achieve through their DNR connections.
I see NDA has the Godfather of herd reduction Gary Alt as a speaker at their conference. Are you kidding me?
I see NDA has the Godfather of herd reduction Gary Alt as a speaker at their conference. Are you kidding me?

Hard to win a battle when you have no clue who you are fighting, you might even pay good money to hear them speak.
Yep. Ask a pa hunter how alt did in that state. He had an amazing quote at a browse conference as to how to baffle/dazzle the upset hunters in the room. Alt is a real piece of work imo.

Alt actually trained his underlings on how to run a meeting to lull the attending into submission. He stressed the importance of a gradual herd reduction so as not to alarm the masses.

I believe ALT trained Kip Adams, as well as MN favorites Cornicelli, Grund and even Gino.