It really seems they pulled the trigger on the launch wayyyy too preaturely. they also seemed to have failed to preempt the general distrust of the QDMA in many parts of the whitetail world. their initial newsletters have all come with a survey. They are attempting to paint a picture of the "issues" using the responses from the surveys. This picture will then be used to give "guidance" to their steering committee. I have lots of questions about the steering committee's composition. I havent yet had time to allocate to call Craig Dougherty to ask him the questions i have pertaining to the upper level involvement from the QDMA. Apparently, Craig is not an email kind of guy, so it was requested that I call with my questions. So far, NDA has been a clearing house of deer news, and a gatherer of information from its boots on the ground action.
I have really been contemplating whether or not a national level organization can effect changes from the state level down. I have been keeping tabs on several state and even county level deer issues over the last year or so, and absolutely ZERO involvement from national organizations has been apparent...let alone the catalyst for change. Local, grass roots campaigns have been largely responsible for the change in these conflicts. Just something i have been chewing on....
that hat is off to you MN guys that have been successful in starting the process of guys have accomplished a lot...but as on outside observer, it seems like you still have a monumental task ahead of you. i hope you guys can keep the pedal to the metal!