KS guys I hope we get through this year without destroying the KDWP and our deer herds

Makes sense that a higher % of hunters would lease or hire outfitter when the wait is that long. But if twice as many NR could get tags, Id have a hard time seeing that result in a decrease in total outfitted hunts/leases by NR hunters just because the wait is half as long.
If they doubled the tags I think you'd see potentially shorter wait times but that would also increase applicant numbers. Normally that's a revenue stream the government can't say no to. Much credit to Iowa and states who have the common sense to with hold.
Sent Rep Carlin an email this morning expressing my concerns with the bill. Tried to keep it short and tie it to decreased non-ag land values and decreased tourism. I asked that she follow the advice of our wildlife and parks personnel who use science and data for decisions. First time I've ever sent anything to a representative.
Hey guys!! Great post. I’m late on this…. I had this sent to me. I’ve been a member here for a long time just get side tracked with a billion things. I’ll check in more.
Appreciate the discussion & kind words.
I did buy in KS & I have met with countless folks there warning them of the army that’s coming. Many know but most don’t know the scale as to how many people are fleeing their states & targeting KS. I’ve discussed this with a few KS legislators & DNR that have reached out & chatted.
1) the bait needs to go. I’ve hunted KS for 25 years. When I started I don’t recall seeing a bait pile. Now they are littered like the plague. Fence lines, every pasture, whatever- it’s INSANE the level that baiting has exploded. I could go on for ever on the downsides of bait (and how there’s only ONE upside: “me kill deer easy”) …. But on this site- I’ll mention a big one that relates…. The amount of guys doing habitat work in KS vs IA - no comparison. KS folks (largely) have no motivation to do Tsi, diverse plots, excellent natural browse, etc. They just throw the corn out and “that’s my improvement”. It’s staggering different & sad.
2) u all need to hold extremely firm on NR tags allocated. NO MORE!!!!! The residents need to battle the outfitters that exploit & ruin that state as well. I was around when u all tried the “transferable tags” & guys sold em to highest bidder… & every resident went to check in on permission & got thrown out from that travesty. I’m glad it got reversed. If folks listen to the outfitters, the folks who profit of bait or the NR that wants an easy button with bait- your state will lose & it will get far worse. Hold the line!!!
3) my personal opinion - expressed this to your legislator …. Your 80 acre minimum for guaranteed tag is insanity. It already has & will lead to huge segmentation of land. Ruined the areas around KC & will continue to spread. Why 80 acres is worth far more than 79. IMHO- needs to be like a 320 acre minimum. Otherwise with enough time, it’ll mainly be 80’s & the state will be toast. (For sure the eastern 1/3rd). I personally don’t know why u guarantee a tag to NR’s to begin with (please !!! Favor your residents!!!!!) but the politicians are addicted to bad decisions & short sighted $.
3) publicly call out & discuss those politicians that are slime balls & sell outs!!! Showcase their motives & make people aware of what they are doing. They work for YOU!!!

I’m with you all. Until other states fix their broken systems - u guys are gonna feel more pressure every year. & as much as u need to hold the line- these guys in other states need to fix their broken systems!!!! Ones with more habitat, more deer, better habitat but have insane regulations that ruin it. They flee to IA, KS, IL, OH, KY, etc. FIX YOUR STATES!!!!

I’m not hard to find. Best wishes to you all. Good group here!!!! Skip