No bear tag this year. I've never been that interested. A very good friend is an avid bear hunter. He may hunt my place this year as I tag along. After that, maybe I'll start applying for a tag in the future. As it is, I'm happy to let him hunt my place a bit. He promises to keep his activity to a small portion of the property, one or two bait sites on the periphery away from our primary stand locations.
Unless that buck puts on a lot of antler between now and November, I won't be the one to shoot him. It's a low deer density area. My neighbors and I have agreed to a self-imposed APR. The kids still qualify for doe tags, so they can shoot whatever they'd like. At least that's the plan. "Any deer" my two kids want, and at least four points (on one side) for my wife and I. But, like Mike Tyson says, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Sometimes plans change. At any rate, if both the kids shoot a deer we'll have more venison than we need.
Honestly, I'll just be happy if the kids get their deer this year. That's my entire goal.
Unless that buck puts on a lot of antler between now and November, I won't be the one to shoot him. It's a low deer density area. My neighbors and I have agreed to a self-imposed APR. The kids still qualify for doe tags, so they can shoot whatever they'd like. At least that's the plan. "Any deer" my two kids want, and at least four points (on one side) for my wife and I. But, like Mike Tyson says, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Sometimes plans change. At any rate, if both the kids shoot a deer we'll have more venison than we need.
Honestly, I'll just be happy if the kids get their deer this year. That's my entire goal.