So I followed Ben's advice with my grassy clover field. A week ago I broadcast the brassica mix, mowed the field (1 acre) really low (first pass with my tractor, follow up with riding mower). The grass greened up beautifully, the brassicas are germinating, and today I sprayed cleth. I think I'll mow close anytime I plan to use cleth in the future. That freshly growing field has got to be perfect for the cleth to work. I sprayed 10 ounces on the acre in 16 gallons of water. I used dawn, not crop oil, as I was reluctant to set the clover back too much. Best case scenario I have a nice field of brassicas and clover. Worst case is that the clover outcompetes the brassicas and I just have a nice clover field. Also, the geese (we had 6 broods
) are sneaking into this field- not sure if they'll take out the brassica seedlings.
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