Jordan Selsor


Jordan works EMS outside of St Louis. Looks like the BLM people are getting ready to burn the place down again.
We haven't heard from Jordan on here In a while. I'm pretty sure he's far enough west of Downtown that he won't be involved.

I live in St. Louis county and My son works in downtown St Louis. I'd say Insanity is a great description.

Best description I heard yesterday was this
" when the facts are on your side you argue the facts, when the law is on your side you argue the law, when neither the facts or the law are on your side people resort to saying and doing outrageous things"

The judge's entire written verdict is available to read. In this case the facts and the law seem to clearly support the not guilty verdict and yet because of uninformed or misinformed opinion things are once again out of control. 9 police officers unjured over night.
I am so tired of all this BLM/ANTIFA/Alt Left BS, nothing but domestic terrorism. I'm all for PEACFUL right to protest and free speech but not when people are getting beat up, stopping traffic, rioting and looting....that's what water canons and tear gas are for.
Thanks for the thoughts Bill. The district I work for is bout 30 miles south of STL. We have a truck on stand by for strike force if they need the resources but so far so good. I am on duty this weekend and have listened to some of the interesting radio traffic. Some of my co workers itch at the opportunity to get in the middle of that crap. They can have it! I will stay down here and manage the meth heads :)
Great to hear from you Jordan. Are you getting any rain? Every time it comes through it hits Rolla, Wildwood and South County and misses Cuba entirely.
Great to hear from you Jordan. Are you getting any rain? Every time it comes through it hits Rolla, Wildwood and South County and misses Cuba entirely.
Not much rain at the farm in wash co. My clover looks bad. House plot is growing ok thanks to 500ft of hose and an over size well pump! Praying for good half inch rain this week for us!
I am so tired of all this BLM/ANTIFA/Alt Left BS, nothing but domestic terrorism. I'm all for PEACFUL right to protest and free speech but not when people are getting beat up, stopping traffic, rioting and looting....that's what water canons and tear gas are for.

Yeah I somewhat agree with this and I would take it a step further and say the alt-right, KKK and white supremacists should be labeled domestic terrorism too. It's hard to watch the news lately because it seems like regardless of party affiliation the worst is being brought out in people. I am not really sure what can be done to fix it except to look at your neighbors and treat them with respect and forget about politics. Both parties prey on your fear and want people to react to it. We are United States of America. This is still the best country in the world to live in. Are there crooked cops? Yes absolutely, but there are a lot more good ones that deserve the same respect that they give the rest of society.
i guess Im still in "the basket of deplorables" who "cling to guns and religion"

God bless America

i guess Im still in "the basket of deplorables" who "cling to guns and religion"

God bless America


there is nothing deplorable about liking guns and going to church. It's sad that labels like that get thrown around. I grew up in a small town where guns and religion are the norm. That's just small town life. If people don't like it, they can move to a big city. Me... I'll take any chance I can get in the outdoors and enjoy nature, most times it's with a gun or bow in my hand. I could care less about what others think. I want to be away from big city life as possible.

Jordan, hope things settle down for you in that area. Continue to do great work and be safe.
First - let me add my wish for Jordan to stay safe out there. His colleagues too.

As one living near to Philly, I see loads of gun violence every day in the news. Multiple shootings, robberies, home invasions, muggings, etc. every day. The GOOD people in Philly want no gun violence - but the ones perpetrating it are low-life maggots who don't care where they are - city, suburbs, country. They'll still be low-life maggots no matter where they slither out from. You can't blame city folks for wanting guns out of the hands of criminals, but taking away ALL guns is a simplistic, unworkable idea. If writing new laws would cure the gun violence problems, then we shouldn't have any drug problems in this country because we have volumes of laws against illegal drug use, sale, etc. And laws DO NOT stop crooks. They don't care how many laws are on the books - or the penalties. City folks in any city with similar problems just want the random bullet storms to stop so they can live a normal life. St Louis, Chicago, N.Y., Miami, L.A., Dallas - you can name hundreds of cities that have the same crap. Slime is slime no matter the location. Gun owners who abide by laws are NOT the problem - it's the slime and maggots who obey NO laws !!

I - like Peplin above - grew up in a smallish town where guns, hunting, fishing, church, & family were all normal to everyday life. But even my smallish town has become a den of slime from drugs, drug-dealers, muggers, burglars, etc. It's very safe to say almost all of this sh*t has come about because of drugs and all the involved behavior that comes with them. Ironically - many of the smaller towns in Pa. ( as well as many other states in the news ) have become hotbeds of meth labs, crack dealers, etc. The northern tier counties of Pa. are polluted with drug labs, dealers, OD deaths. Small towns anywhere sure aren't what they once were.

My own personal opinion - I'd like to see the U.S. pick an island, and like the old days, make it a penal colony. 2nd violent offense, ship them to the island with NOTHING. No prison, no guards, no expense. Drop them off and tell them, " OK, tough guy, see if you can tough-out a living and survive here with others just like you. You'll soon learn just how tough you are. " Then sail away.
Not to take ANYTHING away from Jordan, but we need to keep ALL our public servants and military personnel in our prayers. I realize not every soldier, sailor, airmen, paramedic, policeman or fireman is a good person.....but I truly think the vast majority of them are and they put their butt on the line as an occupation and choice to help and protect us as a society! I don't care their gender, color or race.....those that rush to the sounds of someone needing help are special people! To ANY and ALL of you who ARE or HAVE served this country we owe you a debt we will NEVER be able to repay....and I thank you. Continue to be BRAVE and be SAFE.