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Jap beetles yet?

They have decimated my apple tree leaves but haven't touched my pears. I can't say I noticed this in previous years. I will have to watch next year a bit closer. The apple trees are starting to throw new leaves, thank goodness as the beetles have made my trees look see though, like theyre covered in a clear sheet of plastic with a little color in it.
They have decimated my apple tree leaves but haven't touched my pears. I can't say I noticed this in previous years. I will have to watch next year a bit closer. The apple trees are starting to throw new leaves, thank goodness as the beetles have made my trees look see though, like theyre covered in a clear sheet of plastic with a little color in it.

They usually don't bother my pears much either...cherry trees must be jap beetle candy though.
They usually don't bother my pears much either...cherry trees must be jap beetle candy though.

I've had to rethink my entire wildlife fruit tree layout because of them. No more apples for me, as that is a favorite of the beetle. Instead, it'll be pears and persimmons.
They are destroying everything this year.
They are destroying everything this year.

That's the way it was here last summer, surprisingly almost all the trees and shrubs grew new leaves within a few weeks.
That's the way it was here last summer, surprisingly almost all the trees and shrubs grew new leaves within a few weeks.
It seems like the trees can withstand it, but for how long? I think it weakens them for the next year. I had one old apple that got hit hard last year, and it died this year. A farmer let his dicamba drift through the property and although it hit a bunch of my trees, the only one that actually died was the old apple.
It seems like the trees can withstand it, but for how long? I think it weakens them for the next year. I had one old apple that got hit hard last year, and it died this year. A farmer let his dicamba drift through the property and although it hit a bunch of my trees, the only one that actually died was the old apple.
Been alot of lawsuits paid out of dicambia drift. One of the co ops here wont spray it anymore.
Yep, the drift off dicamba is crazy. In a few years you'll be seeing lawyer commercials for dicamba instead of roundup. We had dicamba drift well over 100 yards and hit all my trees, including white pines, red cedars , white oaks, etc, etc.
It's a nasty, nasty chemical. I'd rather deal with roundup any day.
Surveyed all my apples and chestnuts today and didn't see a single one on any of them. Looks like they prefer the wild black cherry trees along the property line.
While spraying serecia lespedeza the past few days I noticed the pests all over the serecia. Go get them you little bastards.