Jack Pine longevity

Thanks again guys. So much for me being done with my projects:confused: This colder weather has got my shoulder so frozen up I can't even think about doing work anytime soon. I bet I couldn't even draw my bow if I tried right now.

Ouch. As they say in football: "you gotta learn to play hurt". I'm learning that every day now. :(
Thanks again guys. So much for me being done with my projects:confused: This colder weather has got my shoulder so frozen up I can't even think about doing work anytime soon. I bet I couldn't even draw my bow if I tried right now.
When I feel like that I go hire some Amish to get things done. I wouldn't get half of my projects done without their help.
Come over to my place if you want Tamarac. Cut all you want before the Larch beetles get em.
Riggs-I will throw another idea at you.

Red Cedar!
I did not mean to plant red cedar.

What I meant is that they could be used for a durable fence.
Don't u guys have white cedar over there? That's what most use for fence posts here. There's some still around that are 80 plus years old. Not that they are doing much, but they are around.
U can get them for a couple bucks too
If you already have them around, then I'd agree. If you don't, and you're planning on planting fruit trees soon I wouldn't plant them. I don't remember seeing any around your place Riggs, but I wasn't really looking for them either.
I've got a lot of red cedar planted at my place. I've also got a call into a guy that will quote me on a semi load of white cedar or tamarack once he finds some inventory.