Is it possible to have too good of neighbors?

When one neighbor does something well and 'draws' deer to his property that means they had to come from somewhere. A void will be left where the deer came from and will be re-filled by new deer. It just means more deer overall. In no way do I see this as a problem.

One of the reason's guys hate passing up deer is because they are afraid the deer will walk over the next ridge and get shot by someone else. Use that thinking to your advantage. He has so many deer some are bound to leave. There is NO WAY he can hold that many bucks the entire rut. They will wander.
One of the reason's guys hate passing up deer is because they are afraid the deer will walk over the next ridge and get shot by someone else. Use that thinking to your advantage. He has so many deer some are bound to leave. There is NO WAY he can hold that many bucks the entire rut. They will wander.

That has to be the most accurate statement for the state of MI. As I believe we have the highest hunters per sq mi in the nation. Crazy amounts of people hunt especially in rifle season on statelands, its scary out there!

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I agree with you except for the bolded part. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong. There's no way to leave the deer and food plots out of it for me when attempting to do the other things you mention.

What I mean is, don't let the quality of the hunt be determined by how well your food plots are doing, or how large the antlers are on the buck you shoot. If your plots don't do well and your aren't seeing as many bucks as you'd like, this should not diminish your enjoyment of the pursuit. that's how I see it, anyway.
I would like to have neighbors like this. You are lucky and as others have said those bucks will be moving around for the ladies.
Reminds me of something my mother once told me:

"Brooks, no matter how good looking she is, there is always somebody that got tired of shagging her"

We always want more.
Neighbors with big Parcels (500-1000) and big wallets can be dangerous if they know what they are doing. If you're next to one and you are like minded with managing it's not a big deal. Meat hunters are the ones who get pissed because they hold so many does.
What part of my statement are you calling bunk NoFo? My statement to BJ80 is I wouldn't worry too much as your lands aren't too far off on size and are like minded hunters. His hunting certainly would be affected if a guy buys up a big chunk of land who has sanctuaries bigger then your entire property, has the same knowledge and passion to manipulate, and has the time and $$$to implement it.
No problem. It was a little confusing. I should have worded it differently. I'm not the best when it comes to putting my thoughts together.