"They even eat dirt" and may I add............. "WEEDS" they love weeds!
I think that really sums it up,.... deer are samplers a bite here and a bite there and will they will eventually walk of out of the most beautiful alfalfa field just to chew on ragweed.... the weeds we try to kill in our food plots are some of their favorites,....... nothing wrong with introduced species - they are here to stay - going native is cool but as long as your not planting highly invasive introduced species don't sweat it...
Variety is the spice of life, give them some diversity - well actually a lot of diversity, try to provide/plan/ensure something for them to eat 24/7/365 and you don't have to buy into the expensive seed mixes or pretty bags with "Monster Rack BIG BUCK" in glossy print,... cheap bin run seeds like winter rye or winter wheat, the cheapest clover you can find... soybeans are a no brainer and over seed into them later with whatever you can scrounge up... plant corn if you can afford it otherwise go back to step A and plant soybeans and oh ya water, dig a hole, get a kiddy pool or some roof liner and create some water sources; water is your best food plot ... and you should have planted apple trees or crabs 5 years ago but now is still better than never... get in the habit of periodically clipping some areas to keep them greened up without matting down what you are trying to grow... don't hinge cut your oaks... have fun planting goofy stuff like nut trees that should never grow in your area - because its cool! If it works out in the end more power to you but either way it is way cool to have some funky stuff growing on your property. Stick to simple food sources that a time proven - there just isn't that magic food plot deer magnet seed mix out there that will work every year every time - buying into that just leads to more frustration and disappointment.... and,.... get a tractor!