Interesting observation while buying my license


5 year old buck +
While at Fleet Farm yesterday I decided to get my bow and gun licenses along with my son's mentor license. Others were doing the same and while standing in line I noticed that everyone else was getting the crossbow license and I was the only one getting a verticle bow license. Made me start thinking about the future and wondering if verticle bows will turn into the recurves of today.
Good timing on the thread. I just ordered a crossbow for myself. I live over 200 miles from my hunting land and lead a pretty busy life. With that being said my hunting time is pretty limited and the properties I hunt are not in the best areas. I "may" get a chance at seeing a mature buck every couple years. If/when I do get that chance I'd hate to blow it with a vertical bow that is old and range is limited to about 25 yards, plus all the movement of the draw. So with crossbows being legal and giving me what I feel is much better odds at "not blowing it", that's what I'll be using. I may still take the vertical out to harvest a doe for the increased challenge and experience.
They do open the door for others into "archery" - I have one, have used one, and it's OK. Not a game changer for me, but I know lots of folks went nuts for them once they legalized them here. Some folks still don't understand they have limitations. I really liked the ability to allow my kids the "archery" hunt and not have to pay out the nose for individual set-up's for each kids - they can share the crossbow.
I needed a new bow last year, and I weighted my options. I ended up going with the ten point venom. One accurate machine, but I prefer hunting with my vertical bow. Practicing used to be a social event that I enjoyed. Also fun to tinker around the house.
I might be going back to a vertical, but I went over budget on some others things so the boss won't be happy.
I won't be going to a crossbow anytime soon but my dad is considering it this year. I practice out to 40 yards with mine, have shot a deer at 33 yards. I'm pretty comfortable out to 30. A 40 yard shot would probably have to be at one dead still in the field. I was thinking about this the other day and the 3 biggest bucks I've shot with my bow have all been within 10 yards.

Funny you say that. I practice out to 40 yards and as I recal every deer I have ever shot has been inside 15 yards. I will switch to a crossbow when my current bow breaks down.
Part of it may just be a fad as it's something new. Others use them for a reason. I've used both. Can't say I like one better then the other. Each has it's pros and cons.