Interesting observation while buying my license

My inferior crossbow arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to be shooting bolts through deer at 60 yards but I feel safe wagering that I'll be a more responsible hunter with this thing compared to my 20 year old compound bow.
So what kind and model did you get?
Post a pic of you behind a dandy after you shoot one with your crossbow.
You might be waiting years for a picture of that ;), but if I get anything with it I'll post a pic :D.

So what kind and model did you get?
I went with the Barnett Raptor FX. Price was right (under $350 delievered) and I really like the compact size, only 18" wide. If I decide to upgrade in a couple years this one will be handed down to my little guy. Either way I envision him taking his 1st deer with it before too long.
Where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking? I have been looking for a used one in that $$$ range, but if I can get new, that is all the better.
Where did you get it, if you don't mind me asking? I have been looking for a used one in that $$$ range, but if I can get new, that is all the better.
EBay. I spent a couple extra bucks for a 2015 model. There were some string issues from the early models that is said to have been taken care of now.

How would a guy know if this one had string issues? Is there a serial number cutoff or something? Probably have some info on one of the bowhunting sites I would guess.
I'm not sure. The issue was strings breaking within the first handful of shots. From what I gathered Barnett customer service is good. It looks as though early in 2014 they were just sending out replacement strings but by the second half of the year the replacement strings they were sending out were slightly different than the originals because of all the issues. Supposedly the new strings have a much much lower failure rate. I never did contact Barnett to inquire about a serial number range or anything. I figured with a 2015 model I'd be getting the new strings and any other mods they came up with to eliminate the issues with the original design. Haven't shot mine yet so who knows...
Maybe a full face helmet is in order for the first 20 shots!:eek:
Bueller ure gonna be a lot more accurate than these guys trying to fling arrows 50 yards with their compounds, just because it's cool.
Your also going to have a ton of fun and enjoy your property so much more. Ure not an inferior hunter because u cant practice with a compound to be ethical with it.
U gonna make it out for the opener? With all the work u are doing and your progress, I'd bet u could get one opening weekend
Bueller ure gonna be a lot more accurate than these guys trying to fling arrows 50 yards with their compounds, just because it's cool.
Your also going to have a ton of fun and enjoy your property so much more. Ure not an inferior hunter because u cant practice with a compound to be ethical with it.
U gonna make it out for the opener? With all the work u are doing and your progress, I'd bet u could get one opening weekend
Man I really wish I could get out for the opener but we are having a 1st birthday party at our house that Saturday. Unless something comes up I WILL be out there on the 19th though. My pop's place is kicking pretty darn good right now. We've been making improvements for a number of years now and with me buying a different piece in the area the human activity on his has dropped to almost nil.
Guys who frequent a blog like this will shoot more than 8 shots from an xbow and no its limits. Most xbow hunters are crap rifle shots which translate to crap xbow shots. Your own effective range is what counts. Dipper my be solid with a . 308@500 yards , vertical bow? 40 yards, pistol?, 60 yards. Everyone is different. Point being the typical xbow guy is a dufus 2 day rifle hunter that couldnt hit a pumpkin@90 yards with his thurdy thurdy.

Hey!.....I resemble that remark! ;)
Xbows have been part of our regular archery season for years and 95% of the folks that I have seen hunt with them were either kids that couldn't draw a hunting weight bow or older folks who had given up vertical bows for various reasons.

I honestly see little difference in those that complain about xbows and the slob hunters that use them vs those that complain about guns because some lunatic used one to kill people. In both cases the weapon is not the issue.
Xbows have been part of our regular archery season for years and 95% of the folks that I have seen hunt with them were either kids that couldn't draw a hunting weight bow or older folks who had given up vertical bows for various reasons.

Would you purport that those youngsters and old people are now responsible for 50% of 'archery' killed deer in some states?
^ Conjecture. Council is leading the witness. Your Honor......I move we strike the question. ;)
Nope can't speak at all to harvest numbers. My point was that you can't legislate out lousy or unethical hunters any easier than you can fix stupid.
^^ Permission to approach.

I have no issue with xbows until it is asserted they impact nothing. I shoot recurves/longbows and can apply the same arguments asserted to compounds (but I do not). Crossbows introduced into the archery season lead to more deer killed in archery season. That may or may not be ok. But to assert they make no diff long term is bogus.

To suggest they are only used by kids and old dudes with no impact is bogus. Straight up bogus.
I shoot a store bought compound and recurves I build myself. In no way did I suggest only kids and older hunters were using them. I said what I had seen in my state. In this state and any other yes they would add to the total archery kill but at least here in no way do I feel it is significant, especially when put into context of totals killed by all legal weapons. I would venture a guess that here xbows kills significantly trails road kills. Again, I have no idea what impact they would have on the total kill up there but here it is insignificant in the big picture.
I see your point NoFo, but xbow hunters are also like 54% of all archery licenses sold in MI. So then doesn't it stand to reason that they would account for 50%+ of the total archery kill? It isn't like there are 30% crossbow hunters killing 50+% of the archery deer. The proportions are where they should be given the breakdown of tag sales. I see no excessive or "extra" kills by xbow hunters in those numbers. How much is the total kill up from the time since before xbows were legalized until now? That is the telling statistic.
^^ Ohio is looking at shortening its archery season because of increased harvest. I don't want that.
The big thing the wi dnr is pushing right now is the learn to hunt program. The dnr wants more hunters, because of the decline.

Looks like I'm going to be using my old vertical how this year. The ole lady has been crazy busy at work and hasnt practiced yet with her vertical bow. She hardly practiced last year due to lack of time to practice, as well. She like it, she's just not obsessed like me.
I bought it for this exact reason. She gets to enjoy our property hunting and relaxing, and still be able to make ethical shots. You flat out shouldn't be in the woods hunting if ure not practicing all the time with a vertical bow. A lot of people just can't find the time.

Some people would never go out an but their own xbow either. Her handicapped dad will make it out a time or two, as well. He's probably not gonna shoot a deer, and it doesn't matter. If I didn't buy my xbow, he would never go out and enjoy the outdoors. This is a guy who loved the outdoors and can't enjoy it much, because a shitty disease.
There's a lot more to this, than number of deer killed. Just like anything, lots of egos refuse to see a bigger picture.
Just like anything, lots of egos refuse to see a bigger picture.

Like shorter archery seasons due to increase harvest via the xbow? Thats fairly big picture.