Found Another Late Hanging Crab "The Sheep Pasture Crabapple"


5 year old buck +
This past September we were early goose hunting about thirty miles south of home and while driving down this back road leaving the spot I noticed a nice roll of used farm fence sitting on the corner of a woods close to the road. I had friends with me and the truck was loaded full of decoys so I didn't stop to ask around about who's property it was on, I did make a mental note on how nice it would be to buy that roll of fence to make cages for my road screen pines that the deer are rubbing and eating back every fall. I've tried to find used fence on Craig's list and some farm sales but it is getting really hard to find around here after the metal prices jumped up for a couple months about then years ago, the only stuff I've found has been rusty crap at $50 a roll.
A couple weeks ago I was back in that area after a morning pheasant hunt and decided to swing by and see if I could find out who owned the woods, my second stop I found the owner...a very interesting old school farmer with a long white beard that had to be in his mid 80's or older, but very spry and sharp. I had a price in mind so asked him if I could buy the roll, he said sure how about $15...I said how about $20 and paid him! We talked for a while and he told me he had more rolls in an old spreader in the woods so I bought two rolls...and an old horse drawn hay rake that I will go back for next month after it freezes good.
The old guy was interesting as hell and very chatty..we talked a little about religion, politics, farming, hunting and finally habitat work....the habitat stuff seemed to really interest him. After talking about fruit trees he said he had a good crabapple on the other side of his house in his sheep pasture that produced every year held fruit late and he was going to be tearing it out in spring. I had to see it, so we walked around the house and this thing was LOADED with apples a little bigger than cherries, he said deer come up to the house in winter eating off it along with all kinds of birds. I tasted a couple and they were a little sweet even after having froze and thawed a couple times.
So before I left he gave me permission for when I come back with a trailer for the hay rake I can get as many scion cuttings as I want off it. Not only did I make a new friend I got a deal on two rolls of fence an old hay rake and I'll be able to graft a bunch of new crabapple to me for my shrub strips!



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Did you ask why he is tearing it out?

Keep in touch with him and you might have another place to hunt?

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Did you ask why he is tearing it out?

Keep in touch with him and you might have another place to hunt?

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Yep, he is getting rid of the sheep and the pasture.
That is a very good idea, I thought about maybe asking about permission to rabbit hunt. He said a guy and his son deer hunt on him, he had a couple nice woods on property and a grown over old farmyard down the road with a bunch of old buildings equipment and junk grown in all over the place.
He is just a pleasant interesting old guy that I’m glad I met and I think he liked having someone to talk with. Looking forward to visiting with him next month.
Neat story. The apples look alot like NWC 30-06.
Did you ask why he is tearing it out?

Keep in touch with him and you might have another place to hunt?

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Yep, he is getting rid of the sheep and the pasture.
That is a very good idea, I thought about maybe asking about permission to rabbit hunt. He said a guy and his son deer hunt on him, he had a couple nice woods on property and a grown over old farmyard down the road with a bunch of old buildings equipment and junk grown in all over the place.
He is just a pleasant interesting old guy that I’m glad I met and I think he liked having someone to talk with. Looking forward to visiting with him next month.

Take him some homemade Christmas cookies?

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With the snow you can see the imprints of a couple circular ruts where deer have walked while picking up the apples over the years. Good confirmation of their taste to deer.

Great story and it's always nice to talk with older folks. Good luck on the grafting of that tree. Maybe get a "selfie" with that gent?? I'm a fan of the senior crowd - ALWAYS have been.
Great find there Fowler. Hopefully you’ve also found a new friend.

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If you are looking for fence try a fence installer. I bought 12, 50’ rolls that they had been special ordered 10 years ago and were just sitting on a pallet in the back. They have all kinds of smaller pieces that would work for trees that they can’t use for anything. I used the rolls for all my stream crossings for the atv. Construction sites are my other source. They always have busted up fence that goes in the dumpster at the end of the job that would work fine for trees.
If you are looking for fence try a fence installer. I bought 12, 50’ rolls that they had been special ordered 10 years ago and were just sitting on a pallet in the back. They have all kinds of smaller pieces that would work for trees that they can’t use for anything. I used the rolls for all my stream crossings for the atv. Construction sites are my other source. They always have busted up fence that goes in the dumpster at the end of the job that would work fine for trees.
Curious about your fencing stream crossings. Do you have any pics?
Curious about your fencing stream crossings. Do you have any pics?
I do not. I did them 3-4 years ago. I will say now with everything growing up and leaves falling you can no longer see the fence except over the water. Some are just over wet wet spots and you can’t see them at all. I will grab some pics next time I am there but it won’t be until spring.