Interesting observation while buying my license


5 year old buck +
While at Fleet Farm yesterday I decided to get my bow and gun licenses along with my son's mentor license. Others were doing the same and while standing in line I noticed that everyone else was getting the crossbow license and I was the only one getting a verticle bow license. Made me start thinking about the future and wondering if verticle bows will turn into the recurves of today.
I know when MO makes them legal next year my verticl even get hung up.
I still think the X bow has some serious disadvantages. Right now without a rest I can still shoot a compound better than a X bow. if you are in a blind with a good rest sure you can shoot more accurate with a X bow. if you are in a treestand in the woods I still think the vertical is better. Open areas and plots X bows have the advantage. I don't see that aspect changing. I still enjoy shooting a vertical just for fun in my basement to relax sometimes. X bow? Not so much.
I tend to agree a vertical bow is more handy. But people who have never used one do not know that. Without hunting regs that force the issue, people will start with an xbow and stay with that. Xbows will get better too.

I think of muzzleloaders. The only place you'll likely see someone hunting with a flintlock is in PA because they have a special season just for that. Hopefully always will too.
The new Scorpyd models are pushing 440 fps, so yes, they are getting better every year.
First let me say I don't have a problem with x bows or if people want to use them. To me, a x bow isn't bow's closer to gun hunting. They are fun to shoot, but until I can't pull a regular bow, I'll never hunt with one.
Crossbows became legal "archery" equipment in NE maybe 4 years ago. I have to admit the archers thought the world was coming to an end because it was going to destroy archery season. I have yet to meet someone who has killed a deer with one. They just arent as great of a weapon as gun hunters think they will be. Those rifle hunters who have never hunted with a bow think they will go out and whack a deer at 100 yds with a crossbow. Once they realize the limitations of a crossbow they lose their appeal. Bowhunters who develop a physical need for a crossbow just want to be in the woods like they always have been.
If I take up hunting again during the "archery" season, it will most likely be with a xbow. Simple fact that it is a sight it in, take a few short practice sessions a couple times a month, and you should be good type of weapon. Very similar to a rifle in that regard. If I still lived in the country and had more time, I would be right on top of a vertical bow, as I feel they are a better all around choice for many reasons. Living right in town and having little time outside of work constraints and grandbabies around, xbows would fit more in to my available "practice schedule" for shooting. I don't feel it is fair to the deer with having the limited hours I have vs the hours I would need to practice to stay highly proficient with a vertical bow. When I used to shoot competitively, I usually launched between 50 and 100 arrows per day, at least 4 or more times a week, sometimes every day during the competitive season or leading up to the archery opener. No time for anything close to that now.
I don't use sights or a release. That is a lot harder than you think without constant practice. Besides that, today's bows have such a short axle to axle distance you can't possibly shoot them consistently with fingers.
Crossbows became legal "archery" equipment in NE maybe 4 years ago. I have to admit the archers thought the world was coming to an end because it was going to destroy archery season. I have yet to meet someone who has killed a deer with one. They just arent as great of a weapon as gun hunters think they will be. Those rifle hunters who have never hunted with a bow think they will go out and whack a deer at 100 yds with a crossbow. Once they realize the limitations of a crossbow they lose their appeal. Bowhunters who develop a physical need for a crossbow just want to be in the woods like they always have been.

It does not take long for xbow kill to pass vertical harvest. Archery seasons were established long because the take was small. Archery seasons may be shortened if the take grows. I shoot a stick so the compound xbow blah blah blah is not often in my vocabulary.

I prefer them treated as separate weapons with their own season. States where the deer population outpaces the number of hunters can't be viewed apples to oranges.
I have mixed feelings on xbows. I love shooting my bow especially at long distances. I used to be able to shoot a pie plate group at 75 yards and robin hooded lots of arrows at 20-30 yards. But now it gets harder to find the practice time to shoot like that and every year I find it harder to see everything clear while looking thru the peep level pin and target, not that I'm getting older tho . My bow is getting old and tougher to keep in tune. The last thing I want to do is wound a deer. I've thought about getting a xbow for these reasons and more. My wife and kids could also shoot that unit which would be fun. But nothing beats shooting the vertical bow for the challenge. My hunting group has 3 other guys and 2 switched last year. The one shot a nice buck with his that I would not have been able to shoot with my bow. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.
I will still take my primitive pse vertical@304 fps over an xbow. Lets shoot an unmarked 42 target 3d, an xbow has no chance. .

I take that bet. I will be using the PSE tac 15 with a bipod.

404 FPS with a 425 grain 'bolt' gives 150 or so lbs KE for penetration that is hard to beat.
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If I take up hunting again during the "archery" season, it will most likely be with a xbow. Simple fact that it is a sight it in, take a few short practice sessions a couple times a month, and you should be good type of weapon. Very similar to a rifle in that regard. If I still lived in the country and had more time, I would be right on top of a vertical bow, as I feel they are a better all around choice for many reasons. Living right in town and having little time outside of work constraints and grandbabies around, xbows would fit more in to my available "practice schedule" for shooting. I don't feel it is fair to the deer with having the limited hours I have vs the hours I would need to practice to stay highly proficient with a vertical bow. When I used to shoot competitively, I usually launched between 50 and 100 arrows per day, at least 4 or more times a week, sometimes every day during the competitive season or leading up to the archery opener. No time for anything close to that now.
I agree with whip, when I get a new bow it will be an X bow. Family, work, and sports injuries keep me from shooting a regular bow. Plus my dad is older now and it would get him hunting early season again. Bow hunters sometimes have a 'better than you' attitude to other hunters and that is what I see with x bows. I think a 2 week early season would be perfect for them.
I will keep my compound until I physically cannot draw it back. I think they should've lowered the age to 55 and left it alone. The challenge of harvesting a deer with a bow at a close range is what drives me. Using a bipod, scopes, and pulling a trigger sounds like gun hunting. Disabled and elderly, I'm all for it!
that xbow is an anchor.

I'll give you that. They don't seem very popular out west because of the bulk, but they sure are gaining in the whitetail world. Over 11% of licensed bowhunters in MN have a disability permit for an xbow, and guys 62 and over can use them bow season, but drop in Cabelas in MN and you'd think anybody could use one.
No bipod. U lose. Funny, you do any hunt west beyond a pgoat hunt over water and that xbow is an anchor.

I'll give you that. They don't seem very popular out west because of the bulk, but they sure are gaining in the whitetail world. Over 11% of licensed bowhunters in MN have a disability permit for an xbow, and guys 62 and over can use them bow season, but drop in Cabelas in MN and you'd think anybody could use one.
My brother would adamantly disagree with both those ^^^ statements. He sees more xbows sticking out the passenger windows of out of state trucks when rounding corners or cresting hills on roads in the National Forests and BLM lands of NE WY than he ever has in the past. :mad: :eek: :rolleyes: Ultimate "Road Hunter's" dream weapon, bar none! He finds plenty of all species of dead game animals lying scattered around the drill rigs and across the mine fields while working and in areas where he hunts. Lots of them with bolts, not arrows, sticking in them.

On another note, just talked to him last night, and on Thursday evening he barely missed a shot opportunity with his bow on the largest antelope buck he has seen to date. He figured it would have gross scored in the mid 80" range(P & Y WR is 91 4/8"), front and rear cutter on the left side, almost entirely black face. He said it would have easily made P & Y and been a really cool wall mount. Caught him and 3 does walking up a gully and knew they would pass near the well rigs on the end they were headed towards. He got down to the well rigs and set up, only to have the does come out first. When he waited for what he thought was the buck to step out to his left, the buck had moved about 20 yards to his right and busted him somehow before he could turn to get a shot off.:( Said he was disappointed, but it was pretty cool nonetheless.
I also made an observation when I bought mine yesterday. The gal behind the counter was really cute.
My inferior crossbow arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to be shooting bolts through deer at 60 yards but I feel safe wagering that I'll be a more responsible hunter with this thing compared to my 20 year old compound bow.
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so roughneck, oil workers dont call in poaching and are poachers themselves? I will post a pic of the first xbow i see on a mtn hunting anything beyond a pgoat. With your analogy poaching in sconnie sb rampant. Have not seen it. I have had 2 disabled hunters for over 25 years sticking deer, inferior weapon on multiple levels. Been on countless bts to ever change my mind. Btw, why would any poacher in wy. The lowest population in our country worry about a rifle shot?
I never said the oil workers were poachers. I said out of state trucks, not local. I never mentioned WI either. I would agree with the inferior weapon, guys don't care they believe the hype. What can you do? Why poach quietly in WY, because those ranchers are a very observant lot and they don't take kindly to guys dinking around their places. Beside the fact that if you are an out-of-state vehicle with a rifle in the truck during archery season, CO's will give you the business if they pull you over, xbows eliminate that hassle and conversation.
My inferior crossbow arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to be shooting bolts through deer at 60 yards but I feel safe wagering that I'll be a more responsible hunter with this thing compared to my 20 year old compound bow.
Post a pic of you behind a dandy after you shoot one with your crossbow.