I'm experimenting... please bear with me....


I'm messing around with the forum a bit.

I'm experimenting with adding a BigRockTrees.com section.

Hopefully the people that frequent the site nowadays can handle it.

I'm not setting it up to commercialize the site, pimp our products, or make any big changes..... I'm simply trying to find a place to "put stuff". I am endlessly answering the same questions over and over every season. Hopefully we'll learn something together and I'll have a place to put some fairly cool content all in one place.

I welcome your feedback!

I can't see why anyone would have an issue with this. After all, this is your place. May I suggest adding the web address for this site on a sticker or business card in the packages of cuttings you send out to your customers.
Looks more to me like you buried it on the site.

I had to scroll way to the bottom to find it. If I paid for the place my section would be at the top
Can't believe it took you so long to make this move. I would pin an "all about cuttings" thread at the top of the habitat section. Maybe put a "... sponsored by BigRockTrees.com" line at the upper right of the main page.
Just throwing it out there but a link to the forum on the Big Rock site may bring a potential customer here where they can find real life examples of how some of us have used cuttings.
Thank you every one... I didn't want to risk the good thing we have going here.

bueller: I put a sticker on almost every box that shipped last year... I agree with your idea of a link from BRT to this site..

Thanks again everyone!
