I love late season


5 year old buck +
Tonight I was in my hay bale pod overlooking this plot and had 18 deer come into it and its only an acre in size, the 8 pt pictured from yesterday didn't show but he is in my plot about half hour before shooting time almost every day. What you see pictured is just plain ol winter rye. Man I love the stuff, anyone else still hitting it hard in Wisconsin with a bow?
Great picture... How the heck do you get off the plot at dark? Someone come pick you up?

No, the deer usually exit on the far end of the plot where the doe are heading and head for the big ag field at the bottom, it isn't always easy thought,
Can't beat the conditions, my best hunt ever in wi was 12-31 one year.
I was out Friday night and saw five. I'll be out tonight and as much as I can until the season ends.
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By now our local deer are so skittish they string jump a vole fart 3 40's over. Quite the challenge.
You are not kidding, the does where crazy spooky.
I hit a branch and took a chunk of hair off a mature doe with 4 fawns. I should have waited for a clearer shot. I f'ed up, but I'm glad I just gave her a hair cut.