Hunters shoots two dogs

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I have had issue in the past and in most cases owners who truly care about their dog will keep them restrained. I had to take a couple dogs home before but I knew where they belonged. Showing up with their dog dressed in camo sent a pretty strong message. I also won't shoot a collared dog. A stray that I see on a repeated basis may not be so lucky. All I ask is to keep the dogs on their property during daylight hours during deer season. I have 3 dogs myself and if they are causing issues I would like at least a warning - after that it falls on me.
Bottom line is what the guy did is illegal. Doesn't matter what you or I feel about he situation. He has to answer to the law.

He sure does, but you don't know if this liberal media is telling the whole story. could be the 40th time they have came through. Lock them up, they don't get shot! End of story!
Not only have I, I shot a neighbors dog, drove over to the ******** house and threw it in his kitchen! You should have seen those fireworks!

Like I said, if it was killing your livestock/pets I don't have a problem with it. If it ruined your hunt and you chose to shot it because of that I think you should reconsider your priorities.
Gentlemen this is obviously a sensitive subject for some, however I ask that we watch our language. I've edited a couple posts but future ones will just be deleted. Carry on...
Mobuck and I clearly see things a bit differently and that is okay... To each their own
It's got to be a 2 way street. If a person can be charged for dealing with an animal that wasn't controlled then too should the owners of these animals be able to be charged in certain situations. If your dogs are trespassing, then the owner should be able to be charged with trespassing also. If people had some sort of recourse in dealing with these loose dogs then that would prevent most incidents like this. It can't be just all in favor of the dogs owner as it seems is mostly the case.
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Here's my dog from about 20 years ago. I always kept him locked up or I was with him. Joker snuck me one night. He was an upland dog and wanted to hunt. Sometimes even when your diligent they give you the slip. I told my wife I was going to shoot him when he got home.

Neighbor beat me to it. I was turkey hunting the next morning when I heard pistol fire. Walked back to the house and he was in the driveway bleeding.

I took him to the vet and came right home and reverse blood trailed him with my turkey gun in hand. When I got to the house it started at and I was standing there holding a shotgun I decided knocking wasn't the best idea I ever had.

Went home an called my trooper neighbor and he handled it.


Your a bad dog when you can take a 38 hit like that and live!

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Mobuck and I clearly see things a bit differently and that is okay... To each their own

Do we ever see things differently!

Be glad you don't let your dogs run wild next to my farm! Bahahahahahahahahaha!
Do we ever see things differently!

Be glad you don't let your dogs run wild next to my farm! Bahahahahahahahahaha!

I think you should be glad you're not my neighbor.
I think you should be glad you're not my neighbor.

LOL! If you only knew!!!
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