How much to complain about neighbor's dogs?

The problem is that if you approach the neighbor, they know who to retaliate back against.

Call the DNR and tell them the dogs are running deer. They should come out and fine the owner and deal with the dogs and hopefully keep your name out of it.

I’m not sure all state DNR’s will respond to that call. I think NC fish and game officers would consider that more of a Sherriff’s problem but I could be mistaken. Just one of those problems that’s hard to find a solution if the neighbor could care less.

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Stationed in Hawaii.

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Hunt any Axis deer out there. Years ago, my wife dragged me to Maui for a vacation. I did a little homework and found a place that offered spot and stalk Axis deer archery hunts. I had to jump through some hoops ahead of time to get my hunter education certification validated in hawaii, but after that it was great. At the time, the hunt was only $200 and I could shoot a doe or ewe for that price. For bucks you paid by the inch. The butchered and packaged the meat for you for that price. It was different than how I hunt here. At one point I had a chip shot at a big buck, but I resisted the guides encouragement to shoot. I could not have afforded it. Later in the day, I did get a shot at a doe, but used the wrong pin and shot over her back. Really enjoyed the hunt.


Stationed in Hawaii.

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Hunt any Axis deer out there. Years ago, my wife dragged me to Maui for a vacation. I did a little homework and found a place that offered spot and stalk Axis deer archery hunts. I had to jump through some hoops ahead of time to get my hunter education certification validated in hawaii, but after that it was great. At the time, the hunt was only $200 and I could shoot a doe or ewe for that price. For bucks you paid by the inch. The butchered and packaged the meat for you for that price. It was different than how I hunt here. At one point I had a chip shot at a big buck, but I resisted the guides encouragement to shoot. I could not have afforded it. Later in the day, I did get a shot at a doe, but used the wrong pin and shot over her back. Really enjoyed the hunt.



All DIY but yes, Axis is what fills the freezer. The deer density is quite high, I generally shoot the first broadside doe or spike but occasionally get an arrow in a good buck.


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Great pic and harvest!
Great pic and harvest!

iPhone 7s, may never take my DSLR camera again. The technology in phone cameras these days is impressive.
I get more pictures of dogs on my place than I'd like. Living 4600 miles away, there is little I can do. We're moving to the property in a few years, at that point the neighbors will get one warning then it's off to the pound.
Bring the dogs 4600 miles back and drop them off at the pound. Should fix it

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