how do I figure out what 2 bottom plow I have?

Not likely to get that much....but watta I know? Actually you have a better plow here than you might buy at TSC.....IMO. The shares don't look to o bad to me....depending how much your gonna plow with it. You may get someone to weld material to the shares and get along nicely with it. That plow design is timeless. Perhaps some ferguson or ford share will fit. (???)
I see stories of folks welding on a bit of a dozer blade to the point, and never worrying again. I'll have to source around, and see if I can get detailed pics of how it is done before I risk ruining it. Like you said, I have a weight on top to try to keep it digging, need to tighten up the rig so it sways less, and rides right. This year is a big year for plowing for me, couple plot failures, and a touch of a heavy handed spraying has left me needing to flip 14 acres by august with this setup. Then another 2 to 3 acres once the farmer gets his corn off the big field.
I broke the points off my ferguson 2-12 plow.I welded in a new pt from the left over share piece I cut off on the other side to keep me going until I could get to L and M supply to find another share.I just cut out a piece of the old share and welded it in with a slight suction pt.
Is there a part number stamped on the back of the moldboard? That's where I'd start. Then you can probably find a list of share part numbers that will work. I have found NOS plow shares on eBay and have them ready when I need them. You just have to know what you're looking for.
I will have to check, did not get down to look today, too wet to do any work, so I just didn't make the treck. some good ideas here, I should have it figured out soon.
I did a quick search. I think your plow looks a lot like this one.


I found it in this discussion ... maybe it will help you.
looks very close, as do a lot of others as I am seeing.
Well took the time to get the plow going again today, fiddled with settings, left right pin hi, pin low... angled up, down, flat...... still not the best results. But I did get the numbers off the bottom

HF 14RE-AO-121

holes are 1 3/8th down from top. from back towards point, first hole 2 1/8th 2nd 7 5/8th 3rd 13 1/2 inches back.

point of plow is not flat stock, it is for4med around the tip, 3d as it was.


Here's a link to a section of the parts manual.

You might find NOS shares by searching for part numbers of applicable shares around the net. Ideally, you will find one being sold by someone who doesn't know what they have and only list by the part number. ;) I have found NOS shares cheap this way.

If nothing else, you have the part number needed if you check around at tractor dealers or specialty shops.
^ Wow. Really a good manual. Great for teaching how to set up and operate a plow.
WOW I bet the manuals for new ones aren't that complete. Great find.
did you see the part listed, I've gone cross eyed twice trying to locate it. or one better, know of a place I could call and ask to buy one?? bottom line, that is what I feel I need.

on edit, is that an AO or A zero??
I did not see your part, but remember that link to the parts manual only shows the front and back cover and pages 12 and 13.

Sorry, I don't know any suppliers. I'm not familiar with Ferguson plows at all, I just have Google. Get creative with your searches.

I'm pretty sure its AO (not zero).
thank you, I am usually pretty good with google, ebay, craigs......... this one eludes me. I'd settle for a cross ref chart that shows what other shares will fit,. rocky, clay, sod......
Good news, maybe ...

I just heard today that they bought out Crescent Forge & Shovel, which was the go-to place for old plow parts until they closed down. They do not list very much at all on the website, but I would call them.

BTW, get ready for sticker shock. "Man, I could buy another complete plow for what it costs for 2 shares." If you go the new plow route, just make sure you get one with good shares!!!! That's good advice for anyone buying an old plow.
thanks, he can get em, 115 bux a piece, may call him back and see if he can re work mine.