Hornady LEVERevolution ammo


Has anybody shot deer with these? If so, at what range and how did it perform?
My dad has used them since they came out for his 30-30. I couldn't tell you a range, since all his harvests have been less than 100 yards. That being said, I know he will continue to use them and I would use them for hunting as well as he has only had success with them.
Several with a .30-30, all under 75 yards. No complaints.
Shot a doe with .45-70 Leverevolution, and it worked great.
Ammo is hard to come by and I seem to have misplaced all of my 30-30 stock made after 1970. Have plenty from before then, don't ask me why. Found some lever evolution at Bass Pro the other day and grabbed a box for an upcoming doe hunt. Read a ton of reviews afterwards and got a little concerned of over expansion/under penetration on close range shots which 95% of my shots will be. Glad to hear some positive responses from you guys who I trust more than some fools on the internet :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.
I have a Marlin 308 MX which was created by Marlin in conjunction with Hornady, designed for the Leverevolution ammo. So it's a lever action rifle shooting almost the same bullet as a 308 Winchester.

All I've ever shot with it is the Hornady ammo, the only other option being a Remington core-lokt. It groups at 1" at 100 yards.

First deer I ever shot with it was from the ground at 5 yards. Someone else kicked up a doe group that ran across right in front of me. Dropped the leader and the other 3 had to jump over her as they passed by.

I've taken about 10 deer with it, ranging up to 210 yards for the longest. Every bullet has performed just as expected.
I use it in my 30-30. It's like it because there is only 3" of drop out to 200 yards, versus 12"+ for conventional ammo (if memory serves me correct). So I sight my gun in at 1" high at 100 and can shoot anything out to 200 yards by just putting the cross hairs on the shoulder. Although I've never had that long of a shot opportunity in my area, its nice to have the option. I've had one deer that did not bleed well on a close shot (40 yards), but I was able to track and found it after after 100 yards. The 10 or so others I've shot with it have basically dropped in their tracks or was able to watch tip over within 50 yards and left good blood trails