Here we go again…need rain

Mostly a swing and a miss over the weekend for rain in kanabec county MN. Really hope the forecast holds for this coming weekend, need that rain!
My 88% chance of rain this weekend resulted in about 4 drops per acre! What type of cactus do deer prefer?
Spineless ones.

Sorry I know that feeling. NWS was calling for rain on Saturday and heavy rain Saturday night, we got about the same as you mentioned.
We have gotten some rain in the last couple weeks no where near enough to fill ponds but enough to keep row crops alive. Corn fields on the big farm are looking pretty good right now even starting to tassel out hope the weather cooperates enough for my row crop guy to get a good harvest this year. Drought last summer pretty much eliminated his bean crop I believe he barely made back input cost. My pasture tenants maybe fighting dry ponds late summer if we don’t get caught up on rain. Cool season grass hay being put up now in my area is running about half the yield from most years one field last year put out 54 last year made 27 this last week. Now my native warm season grass hay fields all looking better and hopefully yield out much higher than the fescue has.
I need it to quit raining. We have had five inches in the last ten days. Everything is a quagmire. No tractor work for awhile. It will probably not rain for three months now.
Anyone else getting the impression that weather patterns are just getting less and less predictable? Maybe it's the rosy color glasses, or I just didn't care as much back then, but even 10 or 20 years ago seemed like if you had an 80% chance of rain that day, You could practically count on it. Maybe it's because it's just an El Niño year, but it seems like all of the systems that move through are smaller and more concentrated.
While we had .37” over the weekend, the drought continues here in NW Missouri. As others have reported, it is spotty. My parents who live 30 miles from us had 2” of rain two weeks ago while we had none. The corn is nice and green, but not growing much, and the soybeans on the neighbors farm are starting to look stressed. The alfalfa/clover plot I planted in early May has failed. The WR and clover plots planted via frost seeding are doing well.

I am still waiting to put in my soy/milo plots with the drill…no use planting them if no rain is forecast. For those who work jobs like mine that take me away from home during the week, the timing of rains and time off can be tricky. I figure I have until mid-July to get them in for falol hunting…however, I may have to go later than that to get the needed rain. Could be interesting!
My respect for farmers has gone up immensely since I started planting food plots. Burying all that money in the ground and hoping for the weather to cooperate, and doing it for a living…hats off to them!
I’m south east Kansas and we are dry I have one farm pond on the big farm completely dry. I wish I had my crawler on that farm to clean it out. I’ve had a bit more rain on small farm but we are still way behind our normal rain amounts and had a bad drought last summer so we are looking at back to back drought years. North of me 45 min flooded farm fields at my place I can’t buy a raindrop. Worst part is forecast has been showing a possibility of rain for virtually every day but we get little to nothing out of it.
I'm in SWMO...know that feeling. Thankful for the little bit I got last week. South of me a mile...they've had every popup storm and it's the best stand of corn i've seen from this farm. Unbelievably crazy.

Side note...been looking for a place to hunt in your area. If you know of any places that might be leased out (would be looking for next year, not 2023), let me know. Went spring turkey hunting on some public...buddy of mine and I both got birds. Guys at the parking lot thought we were the worlds best turkey hunters 🤣🤣. Birds definitely weren't easy to work!
Here’s some good news and some bad news about weather forecasts.
The old joke about the weatherman being wrong everyday and keeping his job is correct. We fish 60 to 80 miles offshore. On the east coast an east wind of 10 knots can literally kill you. It has time to build waves over vast amounts of ocean. A west wind of 15 knots is pretty harmless. Waves don’t build over land and the first 20 miles out will be pretty flat. I study just about every day in the spring and summer and what I can tell you is they can only predict the weather for about 12 hours out and they’re wrong about 50% on those 12 hours. We check the weather buoy “real time” just before leaving the dock and make the decision to stay or go.

Open your weather app and write down what it says will happen for the next 7 days. Then write down what actually happens. They won’t match. Our scientists and computer models only “Predict” the weather. Our politicians on the other hand claim to be able to change it….
Usually the three day forecasts are pretty good. Anything much beyond 5 days becomes a big guess IMO. Most of that long range stuff is based on averages over time. Even a broken clock is spot-on twice each day.
Usually the three day forecasts are pretty good. Anything much beyond 5 days becomes a big guess IMO. Most of that long range stuff is based on averages over time. Even a broken clock is spot-on twice each day.
I agree. When I was a kid the weatherman would try to forecast a few days at most. Now has a 10 day, 15 day... Impossible.
The 10 day looks pretty good where I pay attention from the Twin Cities to central MN right now. Got a good start this morning. Was to the point that I though I might be haulin water for trees if we didn't get rain and aint nobody got time for that!
Anyone else getting the impression that weather patterns are just getting less and less predictable? Maybe it's the rosy color glasses, or I just didn't care as much back then, but even 10 or 20 years ago seemed like if you had an 80% chance of rain that day, You could practically count on it. Maybe it's because it's just an El Niño year, but it seems like all of the systems that move through are smaller and more concentrated.
Brush up on the work of Dane Wiggington. Weather is not random. It is a tool.

Anyway, what's funny is, over the past three years, I've gone from a flood prevention management style on my property to now managing for flood and drought prevention, and this isn't the first year I've gotten both in one season.
I watch the dopler more than anything else. You can see storms forming and weather they are just fronts pushing through or circular systems that will stick around for a few days rotating and picking up moisture. Most of our weather comes from the west or NW.

I have been in Florida on the gulf coast last 2 weeks. We have had some amazing storms come through with lightening that will knock you out of your chair. Fun to watch on screened porch until it gets too close.

Local weatherman tried to explain the other day that XX% of rain does not mean it applies to entire area, just that someone has a XX% chance of seeing rain. I had to laugh as he was giving himself better odds.
While still dry, the drought was interrupted last night by a hail storm--every panel of my work car was damaged, we lost most of the garden. Spent the morning picking up branches. Will have to see how the corn rebounds...was just starting entering VT stage (tassel). We only got 1/2" of precipitation out of this storm.

On the bright side, there is a 15-54% chance of rain several days in the next 10, so I may go ahead and drill in the early deer season soy/milo plots.

Not much hope in the 10 day and some of the trees I planted this spring are starting to look rough..

Never had to water trees at the land but might have to now unless things change quick! Last years trees look good though!
I bought an old military water buffalo works very well for me watering trees
Almost 8” here in the last 10 days. Sick of it.
We were in the middle of a bad drought, now it won't stop raining. Was planning to plant brassicas yesterday. It was supposed to rain all day and planned to get wet in an all day drizzle but ended up dumping about 2 inches with hail and lightning/thunder so close I think I pooped a little. It's been raining almost daily for over a week now. Oh well, I wanted to be able to spray anyway.