He did it AGAIN!

Great picture as well; no photography tricks, the deer is just plain awesome! Congratulations to all involved, picture taker, deer hunter and deer grower.
Great picture as well; no photography tricks, the deer is just plain awesome! Congratulations to all involved, picture taker, deer hunter and deer grower.

Funny, We try to go out of our way to get the least amount of blood, I've been known to use taxidermy eyes to get rid of the sunken eye look. And try to do everything possible to make a deer look good. But we refuse to stand 3 feet behind them, or pose them so they look much bigger than they are.

Not ever naming names but I've seen some deer in person that look nothing like they did on TV. Held onto a great set of antlers this fall that busted 160". Great deer that didn't need embellishing. The world will read 190 inches and 30 of it is BS.

Can't be fun when you turn your passion into your job and think you have deliver every season. I'd love to see a TV deer star just once say, "I lost the Super Bowl" this year!
How did I miss this!? Congrats to the hunter and the guild!
I need to get my butt back out hunting! Letting the farm rest for an alternative season sneak attack!
Looks really nice! A good euro always does them justice!
Just got the deerage report back 4.5 years old. I can’t argue with that, it was my guess.