Hard to believe buck

What a beast! I cant believe BOTH you and your son missed big bucks with hot does and BOTH came back out again and died!! You better not kill them does because they are well trained!!

Congrats boys!!
What a beast! I cant believe BOTH you and your son missed big bucks with hot does and BOTH came back out again and died!! You better not kill them does because they are well trained!!

Congrats boys!!
We keep talking about that. When he texted me he shot. I got rite-off stand. When I got to the house he texted me he was sure he missed. I was off stand and encouraged him to stay because, ....You never know.

I knew that deer wasn’t coming back! I tried to reassure him by saying the deer only heard a loud noise and nothing bad happened to him. I knew that was BS.

Got in a stand close to the house and heard him shoot again.:emoji_astonished:

The Next day when my son dropped me off and “that” went down. He returned the favor And said well, he might come back. I humored him and said we’ll look for blood at dark. (His crazy event was in my mind).

when that doe hit the plot and stared at where my son drove the side by side away, I thought nooooo, waaaayyy. But yeas way.

Any time anywhere!
great deer bud, don't always need em living at your place, just need the girls to bring him around!

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absolutely magnificent!:emoji_clap:
Awesome buck and a great story to go along with the hunt. It just goes to show how unpredictable bucks can be. Always be prepared for the unexpected.
I run cameras 24/7/365. Not all, but 75% of the bucks we take grow up on the farm, they don’t show up.

after hunting this morning we checked cams, this guy showed up

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I told my brother to go to this stand this afternoon but he said, he isn’t coming back...
Turns out he never left. Found one of our hot does and stayed.

here’s where it gets weird. My son said let me drive you to the stand in the side by side. I took him up on it.

grabbed my gear out of the back and a doe and fawn walked out in the clover 80 yards away. I told him to run them off so they didn’t see me get on stand. He did and turned around gave me a fist bump on the way by and I started for the stand. A few steps in I look up and he’s bolting across the field after the does. I let one fly, my sons jaw hit the steering wheel and we said “did that just happen”. Deer ran into the timber.

Decision time!

We Didn’t even go look.. I told my son if I hit him we’ll find blood at dark. If I missed and that doe was hot she might come back and bring him.

texted a friend about the whole incident while I was on stand and said Donald Trump has a better chance of winning re-election then I do having this deer return.

I have to tell you it was nice texting him later and telling him “the Don is going to win.”:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

had to watch him for 30 minutes while his doe fed and I refused to try and tread a needle through the small branches in the way.
He didn’t want any parts of that plot. Ended up 15 yards in front of me with 30 mph winds from him to me.

tape says 168” he has crazy mass. What a Covid year for my son and I.

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Unreal Bill! Congrats on the bonus buck!!!!
An pray your right about the Don! Lol
Congratulations ! Awesome buck!

Let us know how old he was. I thought he looked younger than 5 in that first picture.

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Wow! Congrats. You deserve it.
Congratulations ! Awesome buck!

Let us know how old he was. I thought he looked younger than 5 in that first picture.

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good call! Got the age back today. 4.5 year old. Really wouldn’t have guessed under 5 based on mass. Man if he was local from birth I might have hesitated. But maybe not. Having never seen him before then going out for him it was a heck of win.

And with due respect, thanks to the unknown neighbor that passed him for so long, I know I wouldn’t have had a chance without that, glad to have harvested him. Hopefully some of the bucks that leave me, go to you...
good call! Got the age back today. 4.5 year old. Really wouldn’t have guessed under 5 based on mass. Man if he was local from birth I might have hesitated. But maybe not. Having never seen him before then going out for him it was a heck of win.

And with due respect, thanks to the unknown neighbor that passed him for so long, I know I wouldn’t have had a chance without that, glad to have harvested him. Hopefully some of the bucks that leave me, go to you...

That 4.5 age speaks highly of the potential on your land!
Congrats Bill!

Having these opportunities to have these mature bucks on your property and a chance to hunt them really adds to the experience.

I have taken one 5.5 year old and two 4.5 year olds on our property and that really is more rewarding. I often pass on young ones a to let them get to the next level, and so many neighbors blast away at the 2.5 & 3.5 year olds that these mature bucks are special and take a lot of discipline to allow to mature.
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Trigger control. That's a great way of putting it. We've seen a massive jump in our top end over the past few years because the young guys are starting to demonstrate patience. And all without antler restrictions!! The downside is that we are also seeing an enormous reduction in access due to leasing, and that could be contributing, as well. I don't tell anyone what to shoot on our properties, but I do tell them that once they've taken a buck, they're done. The sole exception is for kids age 16 and under. We try to get them out as much as possible - but interestingly, they are more likely to demonstrate trigger control than the oldest guy I hunt with. He has coined the phrase, "Colby road banished club" lol.