Use the Harper cocktail mixed in order. I've used it for three years with no translocation. I have noticed if I oversprayed and the mix touches the ground, it will kill vegetation on the ground. So be sure not to overspray. Make your girdle cut at a safe height well above ground level, overspray, if any, will stay on bark this way. Do your research on proper chainsaw use and watch your footing around trees. Make sure your spray bottle is set up to spray properly. Don't spray with rain in the upcoming forecast.
Once the sap starts running this method is much less effective if not ineffective. I have found I can girdle even small trees much faster than hack and squirting. If you accidentally cut off small trees trying to girdle you can spray the "cut stump" with harper mix and it will terminate tree, just remember that you want the herbicide to contact outer areas of cut.