Gly for hack and squirt?


5 year old buck +
With our season winding down here in Va I’m beginning to assess what I need to do on my farm in the off season. I have a 34 acre cutover which used to hold deer but it is starting to open up. This cutover is mostly sweet gum and pine with some oak saplings mixed in. Most trees are in the 12-15 ft range and I’m wanting to go through and hack and squirt the sweet gum and the occasional maples. As I have never done this, will gly work in this application? I have tried looking through the forum and haven’t been able to find if it would be successful or not.

Thanks for any help

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I think if you are doing Hack and Squirt, or Stump Cutting... that gly will be fine.

If you switch to triclopyr mixed with diesel you can basal spray and go much quicker.

I'm just giving ya generalities as I don't have sweetgum to kill.
I read about basal spray but I’m worried about killing the pines and oaks that may be next to them. Is triclopyr ground active

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Do quick Google search; "triclopyr translocation".
Thank you sir, I see that it is not, maybe that is the better option for this application

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I am in VA and have used Gly for several years. I abandoned hack and squirt for drill and fill since drilling is easier than swinging a small axe. I use a 3/8 spade bit and use the clear empty condiment bottles from dollar tree.

The key is to drill on the edge of the trees for maximum cambium contact. Don’t drill into the “heart” of the tree, keep it on the outside edges. On bigger trees, I will drill into exposed roots on the surface as well.

Works great on sweetgum, elm, ERC, maple, privet, pine, etc.

You can do this now through mid-March. Trees will leaf out in the spring and once the heat cranks up in May/June they will brown up and turn to toast.
I performed hack and squirt with Tordon on black locusts growing among red pines and with Glyphosate on black locusts growing among white pines after the leaves fell off this fall. I’ll plan to post the results next summer.
I performed hack and squirt with Tordon on black locusts growing among red pines and with Glyphosate on black locusts growing among white pines after the leaves fell off this fall. I’ll plan to post the results next summer.
I think Tordon is one that will translocate to neighboring trees through the roots, and possibly stay in the soil for over a yr. I'd be curious to see how it turns out.
I think Tordon is one that will translocate to neighboring trees through the roots, and possibly stay in the soil for over a yr. I'd be curious to see how it turns out.
Thats what I have always been told as well. I use Tordon when I dont have any non-target trees close by. Last Spring I used a chemical heavy cocktail of PastureGuard and Glyphosate (already had both chemicals on hand) in my timbered areas where I was worried about collateral damage. As best as I can tell it worked just fine when I girdled and sprayed the cut.
Glyphosate works great to knock down sapling gum trees. I think it will work on any think barked sapling. I use a mix of 50:50 gly (41%) to water in a small handheld rope wick applicator. Just run the rope up and down the trunk. You will want to do it when there's adequate sap flow I would think.
I have used Tordon (the RTU blue stuff) to treat stumps for a long time and have never seen it translocate. Obviously my experience may not be the same as everyone else. Since I heard of the possibility I have been more careful.

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I won't use Tordon/Pathway anywhere close to a desirable plant.
I've had several encounters using Tordon(Pathway) RTU in a very targeted, basal application on undesirables(Hackberry, Osage Orange, etc.), with significant adverse impact on nearby (within 1-15 ft) grafted mulberries... took 3 years or so for the mulberries to 'grow out of' the damage from herbicide evidently translocated via root grafting or leaching into the soil from decomposing roots. Leaves fell off, re-grew as sparse yellowed, curled foliage, berries aborted.
I read about basal spray but I’m worried about killing the pines and oaks that may be next to them. Is triclopyr ground active

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Almost zero chance of that
You may want to add some sort of dye to the triclopyr mix. If the treee lives next year, you can blame the hack or blame missing it instead. Easy to get turned around in what you hit or miss.
We mix glyphostate 50/50 with water and circle cot the bark with a arbors saw . Normally get a 100 percent kill and do this in January and February here in Arkansas
A few other options you got. Girdling the tree with 2 bands about 3 inches apart, then only applying diesel. oil chokes out moving water wicking. Tordon makes a green RTU using picloram instead of triclopyr.

Not sure if you can mix gly and oil, might be able to do with some dish soap mixed in.

Another awesome thing to get is one of those small handheld chainsaws. I use a milwauke M18 hatchet. I girdle large trees in the summer ahead of firewood season. They dry out some before september that way.

34 acres is quite a task. Know anyone with a bulldozer? Focus on 2 or 3 acres prime areas.