Habitat consultants

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Bought a 99$ "skeleton plan" from Bartylla website on Sunday prior to super bowl thinking "what the hey, its only 99$?"

Plan was completed on Monday with a website map,20 minute narrative(with transcript) presentation by Brooks Johnson

Brooks explained all the major considerations of contiguous cover and why improvements should be based on access and where deer bed

At 99$, this was a great "bang for the buck"(sorry for the pun") and very informative

These concepts are probably second nature to a lot of you, but this was a real "a ha!!!"moment for me


welp. I just plopped down $99 for gits and shiggles as well, thanks..
I'm retiring this year, so now I'm available as a consultant. But dig deep in the pockets, because I ain't gonna work cheap. No crypto please.............

Do you take green stamps? :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:
I like how they use LIDAR in their evaluations. LIDAR is invaluable when dealing with hills and hollers. I'm tempted to get one of those Skeleton evals done just to see what they say about my farm.
Here's my farm with LIDAR. I can pick out little benches and shelves easily. View attachment 41335
How do you access LIDAR?


How do you access LIDAR?


Each state is different. Kentucky's GIS makes it available here: https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/geomap/?layoutid=114
ArcGIS has an online mapping tool: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html It's a little complicated to get going, but I like it alot. You can search and add layers using terms like LIDAR or DEM in the area you want.
I'd be available to assist in the central Missouri region.
In Wisconsin, each county has their own GIS website that the 2’ contour LiDAR information is typically available. I’m not sure how other states handle it
Each state is different. Kentucky's GIS makes it available here: https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/geomap/?layoutid=114
ArcGIS has an online mapping tool: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html It's a little complicated to get going, but I like it alot. You can search and add layers using terms like LIDAR or DEM in the area you want.
Great site. I apparently don't have enough elevation change to even show up though. Entire map is brown when I turn the Lidar or HDdem layers on. Maybe user error.
Great site. I apparently don't have enough elevation change to even show up though. Entire map is brown when I turn the Lidar or HDdem layers on. Maybe user error.
Which one of those sites? the first one is strictly for Kentucky. The ArcGIS one is where you have to add layers to it to see elevation changes.
If you want, you can give me a rough area (doesn't have to be exact property) with similar topography to yours, and I can see what I can find.
Here's my go to:

If LIDAR (and, more likely you want a hillshade derived from LIDAR) is available for your area of interest you'll find it here.
Hillshade files you can open (I think) in any digital image accepting software. Look for the .tif file extrension

Great site. I apparently don't have enough elevation change to even show up though. Entire map is brown when I turn the Lidar or HDdem layers on. Maybe user error.
This is from another source, (not your area) 1645109294922.pngbut maybe helps explain. LIDAR / Hillshades are NOT available everywhere. I think the gray areas have none. The black is the collar of the quadrangle. And the hillshade is evident.

Back to my original thought....
They (https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/) offer LIDAR, Hillshades, and other less granular elevation data/models for nearly every county in the country. You'll need some kind of GIS software to use LIDAR. I never tried it in Google Earth.

It's a shipload of bricks. There are multiple ways to download LIDAR data. It's take some figuring...

If you need help PM me. We might be able to figure out something.
Got my skeleton plan back already. Putting together a 20 minute video is a pretty fair deliverable for $99. I'm not positive he took all of the information i gave him into consideration but IMO his input was worth my $ just by making me think about a couple aspects of the property differently. I'm impressed for the $ spent.

Turns out Brooks lives in the same town of 12k people as me.
Got my skeleton plan back already. Putting together a 20 minute video is a pretty fair deliverable for $99. I'm not positive he took all of the information i gave him into consideration but IMO his input was worth my $ just by making me think about a couple aspects of the property differently. I'm impressed for the $ spent.

Turns out Brooks lives in the same town of 12k people as me.
That’s pretty awesome he’s so close to you. He should have a good knowledge of the area I’d sure think.
I splurged the $99 and had the same experience as Tree Daddy and Wind Gypsy. I quickly worked up a map late Wednesday night and Brooks had over 20 minutes of video presented to me by lunch the following day. Was pretty cool just to have a pro talking about my farm. I bought 1 of his tents in the early days and it came with a dvd with many hunts, so I already knew the guy could shoot and hunt. As mentioned by others in this thread, you just have to know that some of the stuff will be relevant and some won't be. Worth the $99.