Growing Chestnuts from Seed

Sounds good - I'll probably tube most of mine. What type of tubes are you using?
I use the 5' Miracle tubes.
So how much more growth do you think they will have this year? 6"? 12"?

Not sure what to expect for remaining growth this year - we finally got about .7 of an inch of rain today (been kinda dry for the last two weeks). I didn't apply any fertilizer or lime to these trees this year. What are your thoughts on growth?
I'm not sure. I think yours will definitely have another flush. You want the leaves to go full size and for the bark to harden off. The smaller leaves and limb section are where they'll die back first from winter kill if it's a bad winter.

If yours can get through this winter without major die back they should be good to go.

Hopefully this winter will be a little milder that last year. Most of the Dunstan's that I planted earlier this year are hanging on. I have replaced a few that died quickly. Hoping for success - my brother-in-laws think I am nuts for planting chestnuts.
Thought I would post an update on by chestnuts.

My best tree, identifiable leader, two strong branches

I have a few trees that I wonder if I should prune. They have two branches where either one could be the main leader. Some of them are split a few inches from the bottom


Some of them split very near soil level:


I think I should prune those V and Y looking trees, but wanted a second opinion. Should they be pruned and when?
I pruned mine when I first saw the double shoots, no problems from doing that as far as I can tell.
Looking good Kabic!! I am no expert, but I did some additional pruning about two weeks ago to maintain a single leader on a few of mine. I normally try to pinch off unwanted growth when I see (at least for the ones in my back yard). My suggestion would be to prune now.

It's been a month. Any updates on growth? I will hopefully be able to check some of mine this weekend.

Hey NHM, Going to the farm tomorrow - I will take a few photo's of the Chestnuts. Going to plant a few more Dunstan's that I've been growing at home. Also hope to get my ATV mower going so I can prepare for next year's apple orchard site. Enjoy your weekend!!
Hey NH Mountain, Healthy looking tree - glad to see the bear didn't rip it out of the ground. I haven't seen bear on my property yet, but found a pile of scat on the driveway for the first time...:(... I forgot to take the camera to snap a few photo's of my trees, but will do so next weekend. I measured the growth on a couple of last year's Chinese Chestnuts - growth ranged from 12 - 19 inches from top of 5 ft. tube. Best of luck with the bears!!
Chestnut Ridge, Pike Co. Illinois sells chestnuts. The on line store does not have any available yet though.
I dont think they are sold out as of now. I have been checking their website for the last couple weeks same message. I bought my chestnuts from them in early October last year.
Last year I bought my Dunstan seeds from Chestnut Ridge in IL - ordered 5 lbs. of extra large nuts (about 170 nuts). Very pleased with what I received. The process I used was: received nuts in October, washed nuts in water only, dry, then place in gallon freezer bags (nuts only), place in frig - maintain temp around 39 degrees, in February added moist sphagnum moss, kept nuts & moss in frig until they started to germinate, once they started to germinate, I removed the bag from the frig added moisture and waited for the rest to germinate 2-4 more weeks. As the nuts started to root, I placed them in 18 cell trays (I used the cheaper none RM trays), used Promix soil, placed tray under lights in basement. Had very limited mold issues. I planted a bunch directly from tray to final location using a 3x3 mat and 5 ft. tube - also kept a lot at my home during the summer - still have about 2 dozen to plant. Size wise - the ones that I maintained at my home over the summer are much larger than the direct planted one.
I cheated (or procrastinated depending on your view). I got my nuts from BigEight who I believe got them from Chestnut Ridge. He did all the prep work and got the nuts sprouted and then he decided he had too many and started selling them.

So I got sprouted nuts that I just had to plant, and so far they all are still growing.
For better or worse I never got to transfer my chestnut seedlings to 3 gallon pots this year. The roots filled the 1 gallon pot. I spread them out at planting.

NHM, Healthy looking root system...!;) For most of the chestnuts I kept at home over the summer, I used cheap 2.5 gallon (smooth wall pots), they worked out ok. Hoping to plant the remaining chestnuts that I currently have in pots next weekend...Looking forward to seeing how they handle the upcoming winter and the amount of growth that can be added during 2015...:cool:
I do have another question/thought. My mesh tubes have not worked as well as I'd hoped they would compared to the tubes. I'm happy with the tubes but, not looking forward to another $400 this fall. The branches have grown thru the sides of the mesh rather than up on several. So I'm wondering if I planted a stake/pole and tied the seedlings close to the stake. Would deer leave the central leader alone? My thinking is I don't have a lot of deer. All the young reds I'm seeing on my property made it without protection. If I can get the main leader above 5' close to the pole then They may make it. Thoughts??

PS. I'm writing this from the deck and can hear red acorns falling like rain.

Good question & I feel your pain on not wanting to spend more money on tree tubes. Tying the seedling to the stake might work. If you give it a try I would consider spraying the trees a couple of times with Deer Away in early and mid spring. This year I paid $2.75 for 5 ft. Miracle tubes bought 100 - not planting hardwoods next year, spending my money on apple trees and cages.