Gross score this buck


5 year old buck +
This is from 2005, the last buck I killed in MN when I was 20 lbs lighter and had a full head of hair. Curious to see what the masses think after I failed so miserably on G&G's deer. It was scored unofficially by a whitetail fanatic who blindfolds his immediate family members when they help him haul out his bucks so they can't tell anybody where he hunts. I trust his score. Put the net score in if you want a tie breaker.
163 gross; nets are for fish, hair and stockings.
I'm not breaking any new ground, but I'm going with 160 gross. I don't do net.

I now think I get the McLovin

163 gross...his right seems a little stronger than his left in both tine length and possibly beam length...but who cares about that anyway! That's one hell of a buck!
5 inch flechings on the arrows puts G2's at at least 13 inches, left G3 at 14.

All told I'm at 169 gross and if that thing walked up to me I'd start hunting in Depends.
I'm always 2 inches short 167 Gross.
Really nice buck!!

Again, I'm not very good at this. Lots of "perspective growth" holding the deer way in front of you. I'll go 154".

Great deer, btw!
Somewhere around this mess I call my home is the sheet with all the measurements on it. We did not wait 60 days and it's been 9 years so I'm sure it's shrunk a little. Here's what I remember. Gross 173 7/8" net 166 and change. Spread was 20 1/2", right G2 was the longest tine at 14" and I think the beams were 25ish" and all the mass measurements were over 4", I think two were over 5". Thanks for playing and for the compliments. I shot this buck in the twin cities metro area, rattled at daybreak and he came straight at my tree, shot him at 5 yards, it was the 3rd and last nice buck I shot out of that tree. The owner died, kids sold the land, and now the whole place is a neighborhood.
Wow, way off on this one!:oops: I guess the allen wench set must have been closer to 4" than 3-1/2"? Oh well, I guess I'd rather be 20" low on my estimate and be thrilled to find out it was a 170"+ deer!:eek:
My guess would have been holy $hit he's big. Really nice deer. Did you age him?
The buck is a tank no matter the score. Truly a giant, monster, pig, whatever you want to call him.
Thanks guys, we never weighed or aged him, but he maxed out the Mckenzie form he's mounted on and the taxidermist added some clay. For more perspective, here he is next to a 145" Wyoming buck on the same form.
Wow! Beautiful buck!