Green Cover Summer Release / Summer Pressure Release users

I planted summer release this spring into a 5' tall jungle of cereal rye. I broadcast and crimped the rye down on top of it with the packermax crimper. Results were impressive. Got timely rain, but not a ton of rain. The sorghum sudangrass was 5-6' tall across the board. Had multiple does living in it with their fawns in the 2 acre plot during June.

Unfortunately it got dry and the cattle got hungry enough to bum rush the hot wire and they mowed it down to stubble in about 3 days.
Unfortunately it got dry and the cattle got hungry enough to bum rush the hot wire and they mowed it down to stubble in about 3 days.
Been there a couple of times.
Txbowman. How do you like the 4 roller crimper from packermaxx. Did it crimp the 5 feet tall rye in one pass. How big was your field. So you broadcasted the summer release and then crimped. Certainly appreciate any more information. Ty
Txbowman. How do you like the 4 roller crimper from packermaxx. Did it crimp the 5 feet tall rye in one pass. How big was your field. So you broadcasted the summer release and then crimped. Certainly appreciate any more information. Ty
Plot is like 1.75 acres. I was super impressed with it, crimped in one pass and held up well to hog divots. Takes a while to do with the 4 foot width but wasn’t more than a couple of hours (plus it’s super satisfying laying the rye down)

Before and after attached. Crazy amount of biomass. Got 99% termination (crimped at the perfect time though)



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Wow that's a ton of bio mass. Are you in Texas and if so how has your soil changed from the influx of bio mass. That's insane that 4 footer crimped that much.
Wow that's a ton of bio mass. Are you in Texas and if so how has your soil changed from the influx of bio mass. That's insane that 4 footer crimped that much.
Yes in Fayette county. Haven’t done any tests other than the initial soil test. But it went from an overgrazed over compacted sandy loam goat weed patch to rich black dirt with good fungal growth, and tons of insects, frogs, snakes and other critters.

This year will be the true test. Shifted away from as heavy of a rye mix to more winter wheat and oats.
Went back and found a pic of it before it got mowed down by the cows. This was 75 days after planting. Fawn for scale


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Sunn Hemp was not listed on the label for some reason but there was in fact Sunn Hemp in the mix.
Hey Diesel ..two things
1. Any chance of getting getting a 60 day picture of what the fall release looks like from the same place of the planting of October 5 planted pictures ? ..90 day one would be neat too
(any side bar comments like "no or low rain" that would add to our knowledge about what we are seeing would be outstanding !!!
2. by chance do you or someone else have a picture of the fall release label ? if so it would be great as I would like to seed the seed %ages

Great plots diesel. Nice tractor too. NYS still has the roll over bar program where you can get ROPS for cheap.

Anybody put these plots in without a seed drill? Also, I have a ton of voles. I don't suspect a miracle, but any change with field mice going from grains to this kind of plot?

The raddish, is it the daikon style one?
Great plots diesel. Nice tractor too. NYS still has the roll over bar program where you can get ROPS for cheap.

Anybody put these plots in without a seed drill? Also, I have a ton of voles. I don't suspect a miracle, but any change with field mice going from grains to this kind of plot?

The raddish, is it the daikon style one?
I planted the browse pressure version (more sunn hemp less soybeans in the mix) by broadcasting and crimping over it with an atv crimper. Everything came up, but sunflowers and beans got eaten down quick.
That is the same spot from the opposite angle. The deer have it browsed down pretty good. This went in later than I planned and there was no real growth on the radish or turnip in the plot. The rest of it had pretty good growth but an extra 2-3 weeks would have helped. Shot a few doe off it and it had decent deer activity during deer season. Going to repeat the process this season and see how it does. /
Thanks for posting the pictures Bear. The other thing I experienced with this mix was absolutely incredible insect and bird usage. The whole plot was literally humming with life all summer. Bees, butterflies and other pollinators by the millions. There were praying mantis and tons of other bugs that I have no idea what they were. Tons of birds also, including hummingbirds darting everywhere. Honestly, in my 25 years of planting and doing plots I have never seen anything like it. A great buckwheat field full of bees is the only field that is similar and even those don't compare to what this field was with different wildlife.
I have zero doubt this is the way to go for better soil. If what is going on below the soil is similar to what is happening on top then it is exactly as advertised. So far the deer usage is below what we normally have in our corn and other food plots during fall, but we also have acorns this year which always results in fewer deer in the plots. So hard to tell what the real difference is. The deer loved the Summer Release and were always in it. We are going to continue the Release process on the plots we have started and will see what another 2-3 years tell us. I am thinking we might miss our corn plots but the roundup resistant marestail was out of control and we obviously needed to change the practices that caused it. I am thinking we will rotate corn into a plot every 3-4 years if we decide we just can't do without it.
Man that looks beautiful.

I think I get too dogmatic sometimes. Release and heal soil then rotate one plot a year with corn or soybeans. Get best of both worlds.

Well done!
That is the same spot from the opposite angle. The deer have it browsed down pretty good. This went in later than I planned and there was no real growth on the radish or turnip in the plot. The rest of it had pretty good growth but an extra 2-3 weeks would have helped. Shot a few doe off it and it had decent deer activity during deer season. Going to repeat the process this season and see how it does. /
I’ve had same result with the brassicas. Some here or there but def not a brassica plot.
Plot is like 1.75 acres. I was super impressed with it, crimped in one pass and held up well to hog divots. Takes a while to do with the 4 foot width but wasn’t more than a couple of hours (plus it’s super satisfying laying the rye down)

Before and after attached. Crazy amount of biomass. Got 99% termination (crimped at the perfect time though)

View attachment 59165
Awesome job! Looks like a textbook.
View attachment 59090

This is the chart that Green Cover used to have on their site for planter settings. I am not sure why they removed it, other than some of the seed rates are a bit different. It is a good starting point when calibrating your dilll. For the Summer Release my drill settings for 47lb an acre were

Drive 2
Main Seed Box setting 34
Hydraulic stop setting 3"
Largest seed cup setting

For the Fall Release at 70lb an acre the settings were

Drive 2
Main Seed Box setting 57
Hydralic stop setting 3.75"
Largest seed cup setting
I’ve had the different seed thing too. I think website says they may replace seeds based on availability and what they think will do well
Just picked up this little gem recently and can't wait to try it next year. No more boat anchor disc for me


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Just picked up this little gem recently and can't wait to try it next year. No more boat anchor disc for me
I bet that will do the job Matinc ..width,weight and can you add internal weight ??
