Green cover summer release and fall release pics.

That's awesome omi. You should be so proud of the benefits your providing to wildlife. Leaving the world better for the future is a great legacy. Do they like the persimmons. Not something we have in the north country.
Planted some of my summer fields today. Drilled Milo, aeschynomene, Alyce clover all imi resistant. Will spray tomorrow.

I will say this is second round of drilling and crimping in one pass, and it works perfect. I did wait too late this year and have some weeds, but they will clean up with herbicide tomorrow.

what is your recipe for that mix and herbicide spray?

weeds destroy my spring plantings on an annual basis

what is your recipe for that mix and herbicide spray?

weeds destroy my spring plantings on an annual basis

5 aeschynomene
5 Alyce clover
3 igrowth sorghum

2quarts/acre gly
4-6oz/acre of imox or imazethapyr.
5 aeschynomene
5 Alyce clover
3 igrowth sorghum

2quarts/acre gly
4-6oz/acre of imox or imazethapyr.

Will try again next year

I suppose gly was the pre plant burn down and Imox was for post plant clean up

I have used Pursuit ( imazethapyr) for clean up Craig harper fall recipe( oats,CC,arrowleaf)


Will try again next year

I suppose gly was the pre plant burn down and Imox was for post plant clean up

I have used Pursuit ( imazethapyr) for clean up Craig harper fall recipe( oats,CC,arrowleaf)

Yeah. Sometimes I don’t need the gly but I waited a little too long and had some weeds coming up under the standing rye.

Pursuit is safe on most legumes, and now they have the imi tolerant corn and sorghum which is cool. Adds some diversity to the plot. Clearfield sunflowers work great too I just didn’t get around to buying any this year, and had some sorghum left over from last year.

I’m not sure you can do summer plots in south without herbicides. I know grant does up in Missouri, but here summer is rough with weeds. I don’t use any herbicide for fall. The cold weather and sometimes mowing kills anything I dont want around.
Two Clover plots today. They struggle during the summer. I am just letting them grow whatever their year, then will mow in late August and plant some more clover and grains In early October.

Two Clover plots today. They struggle during the summer. I am just letting them grow whatever their year, then will mow in late August and plant some more clover and grains In early October.

Want to resurrect this thread for a few questions.

I want to plant a fall mix around Labor Day weekend and was looking for input.

Here is what I'm looking at and planning to plant heavy for high deer density. Goals are #1 attraction, #2 soil building, #3 nitrogen fixation.

25# Wyowinter peas from AL seed
12# buckwheat
25# soybeans
40# oats
2# radish
4# crimson clover
2# frosty berseem or balansa (would like input)

In some locations this will be drilled, in other locations it will be broadcast. Both areas will get 50-100# of rye a month after initial planting.

I know the oats, soybeans, buckwheat, and radish will winter kill but I hope the rye, peas, and clover will serve me well into the spring.
^. How many times do you plan to plant each year? I found that in my area (Zone 3) there are not enough growing days to run fit a summer release into my plans. I cannot remember your location. Wisconsin?? It's getting pretty late for soybeans and
^. How many times do you plan to plant each year? I found that in my area (Zone 3) there are not enough growing days to run fit a summer release into my plans. I cannot remember your location. Wisconsin?? It's getting pretty late for soybeans and
Yes, it is late, I'm not looking for them to reach maturity. I was given (by a farmer) enough beans to throw into a blend for attraction only and I like buckwheat because when it's young it is another highly attractive forage.

I don't have a specific plan for next year in regards to a summer release or not. This isn't the highest quality soil so I would like to get some biomass going to improve OM% over time.
^^^. Omni.....I saw your post above where you used your roller crimper and planted in the same pass. I know you have said other times that it works well for you on your loader. Always wonder if you have issues with steering or notice the side load put on your loader arms? I had both issues when used this way....and I thought I may tweak my loader. Maybe I'm just a worry wart?.......but I did have steering issues. I suppose if you have long straight passes.......?
2025 Summer Release from Green Cover changed slightly. Has lab lab in the mix now.

Curious if anyone has grown it or has any comments. Here is the mix: Non-GMO Soybeans, Cowpeas, Mung Beans, Lab Lab, Hybrid Grain Sorghum, Alyce Clover, Sunflowers, Buckwheat. $53 free shipping for a 47# bag that plants an acre if you drill it.

Super Summer mix: Mung Beans, Joint Vetch, Soybeans, Hybrid Grain Sorghum, Sunflower, Buckwheat, Cucurbit Blend. I dont know if that changed. $94 free shipping for a 45# bag that plants an acre if you drill it.

Still pretty tempted to plant soil builder. Cowpeas, Non-GMO Soybeans, Mung Beans, Sunn Hemp, PPS Sorghum Sudan, German Millet, Brown Top Millet, African Cabbage, Rapeseed, Brown Mustard, Sunflower, Buckwheat, Okra, Flax. $45 for a 30# bag that plants an acre. I think you gotta pay shipping.
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I plant basically their super summer mix, but mix myself. Joint vetch, Alyce clover, Milo, sunflowers, teosinte. Have added some sun hemp and buckwheat before.
I feel like the summer mix is easier for me to just buy. And I’m only planting 4-6 acres.

Not sure what I’ll do next fall. If I do green cover fall release again I’m going to add a lot more rye like you did above. Might mix my own. Not sure yet!

I like the fall release mix but not sure the black oats are worth the squeeze. Its also a good mix but it isn’t thick enough at that rate.
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They make a great mix. Def have to add more rye to fall release.
^ Just re-reading some of this thread. Lots of good information passed about here. As the old saw goes "we've come a long way baby". lol Thanks for all the sharing here fellas.