Glyphosate resistant soybean seed.


5 year old buck +
I ordered a bag of gly resistant soybean seed, and no where between ordering the beans or receiving the seed was i ever asked to sign a stewardship agreement, Is it because the bag is labeled 'gly resistant' and not 'Roundup Ready'?
When I bought seed corn this year, I had my stewardship card out and was told they didn't need to see it. Kind of surprised me for a moment.
they are just making too much dang money to care.
I bought my corn seed from a place I had never been before this year. They just went and got it and I paid. I told them I had an agreement signed and they just said "oh" They really didn't care and never asked for it.
I haven't been asked in years but keep a pic of my card on my phone just in case.
My guess is that with Gly resistance becoming a bigger and bigger problem, Monsanto is more focused on the newer genetic modification/herbicide parings.


My guess is the places not asking for the agreement are more interested in making a sale than complying with Monsanto. Resistance leads to change ... for someone! If you haven't seen a cop in 10 years, we're all likely to go a little faster!
This was a big company, like tractor supply but bigger lol, that is why i was surprised that they didn't ask.
If you do have an agreement the vendor can go to a Monsanto web site to find your registration. What was your name again?
Also keep in mind that just because one does not sign a technology agreement it does not mean you are completely protected from suit by Monsanto. (Not that they would spend the time and resources going after a little guy unless they were sending a message to a larger group). While the seller may have a higher level of responsibility, patent infringement is still a possible issue depending on what one does.

