Giant willow And dogwood cuttings

  • Thread starter Thread starter dipper
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Sweet stuff
Took another pic of some large willow cutting that were stuck in the ground at the bottom on a valley and took root.
What's your grass control with the willows again?
No weed control in this area. There is some canary grass and patches of goldenrod/weeds at the bottom of the valley and the cutting are up high enough to compete before the weeds/grass gets too tall. If you have time for it I'm sure it would help speed up the growth but it not necessary.
Snapped a pic of a row of giant cuttings, they are starting to leaf out, hope timely rain continues.

cuttings are pretty fascinating things. i have some hybrid bucky polar and some silky dogwoods in the fridge waiting to be planted on memorial day weekend when i can get back out the land. i cant wait to see how they do. theres a spot on the land that has a few little springs and some lower grassy areas i want to fill in a bit more. its close to the road so im trying to develop a screen and also use these to grow and hopefully be able to harvest some of my own cuttings from in the future for around the other spring after the logging. i was experimenting with apple and pear cuttings and it appears that nearly all 36 apple cuttings are dead. the few that leafed out are now brown and wilted. they were the scions that didnt make the cut for grafting. the pears seem to possibly be working? the pear scions were bigger and looked healthier than the apples to begin with.
Great thread, I love to see other's experiments... We all learn something.

One other thing I read was that sandbar willow can grow from multiple points along the stem. Might be a good thing to try some long cuttings shoved in the ground at an angle or more parallel to the surface, especially if you have good weed control above it.

sandbur - google "epicormic sprouts" as far as I know, all willows have them. They will sprout roots just about anywhere along their length. As I understand it, they are dormant buds along the length of the tree. Stick a 2' piece of willow in water for a couple of weeks sometime, you'll see what I mean.

Speaking of that, we put a hybrid poplar halfway in the ground horizontally, it's throwing up sprouts
Dipper, did you ever experiment with this "instant willow" method? Or anyone else recently? I'm looking to do this in our reed canary desert and would love to see if it works. Thanks, BB