Two elderberries, one pot? (Cuttings propagation)


5 year old buck +
I have had good luck packing ROD tightly together and getting very good bushes going early. I'm wondering if I could do the same with elderberry. I recently got some pilot plants going at my place, and now I've got high hopes to start doing cuttings once those plants are ready. I've read up on the elderberries I've got, and discovered these need a different species to pollenize each other. I just happen to have two of one variety, and one of another.

My question is, is it possible to plunk two varieties of cuttings into one large pot and then transplant that pot out later as one unit in one cage? I wonder if they'd take the crowding well and figure it out, or if they need to be separate?
I'm curious what kind of elderberry you have?

I took several cuttings from what I assumed was a wild elderberry (was just growing in a ditch) and planted them in a row through lumite. They bear fruit from nothing but a clone nearby. They also root suckered out past the lumite.
I think it would be fine. They will both sucker out and make a large bush. Would probably get more production if they were separate, but it may be a good idea if you're tight on space.

I have:
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I'm curious what kind of elderberry you have?

I took several cuttings from what I assumed was a wild elderberry (was just growing in a ditch) and planted them in a row through lumite. They bear fruit from nothing but a clone nearby. They also root suckered out past the lumite.

We don’t have native elderberry in my immediate neighborhood. My neighbor’s GF works at the big nursery in town and they planted some in their backyard and they got huge and produced right away the following year, so I’m giving it a try.

I do wonder what the bears are gonna do if/when mine start producing.

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My elderberries get hammered hard by bucks every year and come back as Champs. They love rubbing on them.
I think it would be fine. They will both sucker out and make a large bush. Would probably get more production if they were separate, but it may be a good idea if you're tight on space.

I have:
I'd like to start planting these out around the property to be home base for new clusters. Judging by how well my neighbor's produced, it should only take one pair in each area, and it should be covered in seeds in no time.
I have a couple acres of crop field that I intend to thicken up in the next few years. I'll definitely be planting patches of elderberries in there, among other things.
Once you have a few they do seem to be tough enough to compete and spread on their own. I have every invasive crap shrub you can find in the north and a few good ones. The elderberry seems to be able to compete against even the local prickly ash armada and noticed it in a lot more pockets last 5 yrs. Love/hate relationship with the prolific prickly ash but does tend to slow down the buckthorn, jap honeysuckle, multi flora rose, autumn olive, jap barberry (in open areas) advances. You get the picture. If it can compete with prickly ash it is a hardy shrub.

The jap barberry is evil incarnate here. It grows even in shady spots the prickly ash can't grow and snuff it out.
Once you have a few they do seem to be tough enough to compete and spread on their own. I have every invasive crap shrub you can find in the north and a few good ones. The elderberry seems to be able to compete against even the local prickly ash armada and noticed it in a lot more pockets last 5 yrs. Love/hate relationship with the prolific prickly ash but does tend to slow down the buckthorn, jap honeysuckle, multi flora rose, autumn olive, jap barberry (in open areas) advances. You get the picture. If it can compete with prickly ash it is a hardy shrub.

The jap barberry is evil incarnate here. It grows even in shady spots the prickly ash can't grow and snuff it out.
That's what I'm hoping for. I keep making openings and brush piles at my place. It would be nice to have the berries, both elderberry and dogwood for the birds to crap into those brush piles. I'm getting there on Dogwood. I was all set to have a boom year on ROD seed production, but most of the seeds were aborted due to the drought. What a let down.
I‘ve never had the PW Black or Green Lace fruit and I have both along with some other varieties. They flower but haven’t ever set fruit. Typically PW doesn’t want their plants to reproduce. They are the Monsanto of the nursery world LOL. You’re better off getting some known fruiting varieties
I‘ve never had the PW Black or Green Lace fruit and I have both along with some other varieties. They flower but haven’t ever set fruit. Typically PW doesn’t want their plants to reproduce. They are the Monsanto of the nursery world LOL. You’re better off getting some known fruiting varieties
That is troubling. They're going to get a swift death if that is the case.
That is troubling. They're going to get a swift death if that is the case.
I could send some scion of what I have, if there's anything left after the bucks got done with them. I was going to cut them to the ground this year anyway.
SD, I saw what you did with the thread title. Thanks for bringing up such great (horrible) memories. Ha
SD, I saw what you did with the thread title. Thanks for bringing up such great (horrible) memories. Ha

I’m glad someone catches these things.

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And like Teeder said. I can send you some cuttings. I've got a dormant American elderberry in my yard that I planted from a cutting a few years ago.
I‘ve never had the PW Black or Green Lace fruit and I have both along with some other varieties. They flower but haven’t ever set fruit. Typically PW doesn’t want their plants to reproduce. They are the Monsanto of the nursery world LOL. You’re better off getting some known fruiting varieties
So I did a little more digging. My Adams Elderberry isn't patented. The Black Lace is. I suddenly have the urge to get out there and kill the black lace before it has a chance to spread to anything else. I'm not a fan of devil worship bottany and don't want it on my place.
I’m not sure if the deer would utilize the Black Lace the ones I have are planted in the yard as ornamentals. I have York and Adam’s planted out in my fenced in berry patch and I keep half heartily trying to get some wild/feral bushes established out back but so far I’ve failed at that.
So is the Adam’s EldB just an American EldB, that has been grafted and propagated for its desired traits.

my wife bought some EldB from a gal online to make some tinctures, now she wants to get some shrub/trees.

I was looking at just buying seeds online, but the just have American (black), some red & blue ones, and Euro.