Frost seeding onto snow


5 year old buck +
I’ve never done it into snow but heard people do. For those that have what’s the deepest snow you would do it onto. I still have up to a foot on my plots. It’s slowly melting. I will be up this weekend but then won’t be back till End of April when the freeze thaw cycle is long gone.
Tried it this weekend on drifts over 4ft.
Not sure how it will turn out, got the fingers crossed.

Have heard the snow can help drive the seed to the soil level. If u think about it, alot of forbs in a natural setting have very hard seed coats an hard seed pods that only split an crack/spread seed with spring arives an snow starts to retreat.

At least thats what im hoping for.

Edit: should add, I would rather have done it on less snow, but did it when i had time. Alot of 60 plus in the forcast an what is left should disapear fast.

Not sure what you’re seeding but I did switch grass in 8” of snow once. Worked great. As a plus it made it easy to see seed distribution.
I would think that if your plot is relatively flat you will be good to go. I've never done it on snow so.... I can say that I have spring seeded into a bare fall Brassica plot and with timely spring rains got great results on a spring planted clover plot. It was completely weed free for 3 years with just mowing.
The biggest issues I've seen trying to frost seen on snow is not the depth or melting, it is that those seeds are just highlighted for hungry birds by the snow. The big question becomes how much seed actually makes it to the ground. You might want to frost seed when it is actually snowing, if possible, so the seed is covered.

