
For people of any religion to think that all other people who don't belong to that religion should die will only lead to conflict and war. There are good and bad folks in any race, religion, color, creed, etc. These latest terrorist critters have taken a page out of the Vietnam war ....... stay in the shadows & blend in. Strike without warning. Over there in Vietnam, the Cong operated out of a vast tunnel network. Today, these vermin blend in as well, and hide in plain sight. And as a noted terrorism expert ( sorry, boys, I don't remember his name ) said about 2 weeks ago on the national news - not Fox - " you can't threaten them with killing them. They believe it's the ultimate honor to die for their religion. They think it's a guaranteed martyrdom into heavenly bliss. "

No easy answer to the problem, here or anywhere else. Like cockroaches, you can't burn down everyone's house to make sure you get 'em all. I'd like to see the good Muslims identifying the bad ones and helping to rid the world of those bad ones. I don't understand why this isn't happening. If the good ones don't want to be lumped in with the terrorist-types, they need to start pointing fingers.

I think many times they do, but it is not made public. I heard an interesting piece on npr about this. Often they necessarily know where to go because they are afraid of being associated with these people. I'm not sympathizing with them, cuz I have nothing with which to compare... I just thought those problems were interesting to think about.