

I know we're American and supposed to pick on France but that's all in fun.

I hope they blow the hell out Syria. Lord knows our commander and chief won't do a thing if it doesn't involve a white guy.
And at least France is calling It by the right term. "An act of war"
Another example of a gun free zone allowing criminals to run freely while the citizens are left to be slaughtered.

I pray for the victims and their families but cannot bring myself to feel sorry for the country for allowing politicians to sacrifice their people.

Now the POS POTUS is trying to ramp up the importation of ISIS soldiers into this country. We are next.
What did he say, "we will bring the perpetrators to justice. "

Like its a gang of thugs not a radical Islamic movement.

Pathetic how incompetent he is.

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Now they can start spending some $$$, and not just piggy back us.
What did he say, "we will bring the perpetrators to justice. "

Like its a gang of thugs not a radical Islamic movement.

Pathetic how incompetent he is.

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Cowards do not deserve justice, only retribution.
I heard a politician talking this week, not sure if it was one of the presidential canidates. The said what we should do is bomb their a$$es back to the stone age each and everytime they carry out any attacks and to hell with any collateral damage. At some point these countries will get tired of being turned to rubble and will eradicate the vermin that they allow to live amongst them. Cant say I disagree.
I heard a politician talking this week, not sure if it was one of the presidential canidates. The said what we should do is bomb their a$$es back to the stone age each and everytime they carry out any attacks and to hell with any collateral damage. At some point these countries will get tired of being turned to rubble and will eradicate the vermin that they allow to live amongst them. Cant say I disagree.

Ted Cruise
We've got some MI guys on here, any of them from near Dearborn? I bet they have a few stories.
We've got some MI guys on here, any of them from near Dearborn? I bet they have a few stories.

I'm about 25 minutes from there. It's actually a pretty nice area. Lots of blue collar. A few big ford plants. I don't go there often, but that is just because anything I need I can get closer. Played hockey there a few times.

I'm sure there would be some people on here uncomfortable going there and seeing signs in arab Arabic or women with hijabs, but I've never really felt threatened or out of place there.
Lots of desperate people, that's for sure.
Lots of desperate people, that's for sure.

I know some of that was propaganda.
But desperate people are gracious towards those that help them.
Gracious people don't insist their host adopt their lifestyle or try to over through them.

Their are some in this country preaching sharia also. We have a problem in the world and too many have their heads in the sand to recognize it.
There are some great Muslims in the world, but there are also some really evil ones. No calling out the evil ones to protect the feelings of the great ones is a mistake IMO.
The more desperate you are, the less likely you are to be gracious.

The regular people that lost their job, home, and loved ones and are willing to walk to Europe to get the hell out of a war zone...they are desperate. The jihadis and radicals that want to kill us aren't desperate and they won't ever be gracious to us. They want this chaos and conflict. That helps them recruit people that otherwise just want to have a normal life.

No problem calling out the evil ones. But propaganda that spread lies and hate don't help.
The more desperate you are, the less likely you are to be gracious.

MoBuckchaser isn't around anymore but in his honor.

That is the stupidest frigin thing I've read in a long time.

If I'm cold and freezing to death. Hungry and starving to death. I'm kissing the ass of the person who feeds me and gives me warmth.

Time to wake up sparky.
If they fed you and gave you warmth, would you still be desperate?
If they fed you and gave you warmth, would you still be desperate?


I'd be "alive" and thankful for another day. Then I'd try to figure out how to thrive in my new world. Not try to change it to where I came from.

Which obviously didn't work the first time around.

Wake up sparky :).
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For people of any religion to think that all other people who don't belong to that religion should die will only lead to conflict and war. There are good and bad folks in any race, religion, color, creed, etc. These latest terrorist critters have taken a page out of the Vietnam war ....... stay in the shadows & blend in. Strike without warning. Over there in Vietnam, the Cong operated out of a vast tunnel network. Today, these vermin blend in as well, and hide in plain sight. And as a noted terrorism expert ( sorry, boys, I don't remember his name ) said about 2 weeks ago on the national news - not Fox - " you can't threaten them with killing them. They believe it's the ultimate honor to die for their religion. They think it's a guaranteed martyrdom into heavenly bliss. "

No easy answer to the problem, here or anywhere else. Like cockroaches, you can't burn down everyone's house to make sure you get 'em all. I'd like to see the good Muslims identifying the bad ones and helping to rid the world of those bad ones. I don't understand why this isn't happening. If the good ones don't want to be lumped in with the terrorist-types, they need to start pointing fingers.