

Buck Fawn
We are losing our clover field to foxtails. They are fully grown.

If I go down and cut just the seed heads off of the foxtails, will this prevent future seed development? I know they tend to sprout new seeds from the base when you cut off developing seed heads, but what I’m hoping is that by cutting off just the seeds from the very top of the mature plant, it will not be alerted to produce more.

We are not willing to use any toxic, bee killing chemicals on our field such as glyphosate. I researched vinegar, but this would kill the surrounding clover as well.

Please advise. I am armed with a pair of scissors, and will do it for as long as it takes.🥵IMG_9056.jpeg


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That looks like it's out west. I'm guessing higher natural soil pH, and likely on the clay side of things? Check out page 158-163.

If you've got heavy clay, I'd try spreading some gypsum out there. If your pH is over 7, I might also try some pelleted sulfur. If you don't have chicory out there, I would add some of that to support the clover and the bug population. I'd add ragweed, plantain, flax, and rye to that plot. Ragweed would help support a seed-eating insect population. Its been a long time since I battled foxtail, so I don't remember the timing, but nothing sucks up free weed-supporting nutrients like rye.

If it's high pH clay, you might just need to change the pH and mineral composition of that top inch of soil to alter the conditions favoring that foxtail. Adding the rest of that stuff is all about getting a beetle and cricket population out there to eat those foxtail seeds and just use up nutrients before the foxtail makes run for it.
I have 60 plus hives of honey bees and I feel confident if I let the bees vote to lose the clover or to spray a grass killer in the clover to keep the clover they would vote to kill the grass. I would spray the grass killer at night and it should not hurt the honey bees or at the most very little. Now if you know of other pollinators which are killed by Cleth then that is a different story. With that said clipping weed seeds before they mature always helps a little in controlling future seeds, a little. Kill the grass if you want to help the clover. In my opinion nature is being wiped out all over the planet by uncaring humans and to me it is obvious that you care a bunch so fix the problem. Would you feed your kids Cheetos if they were starving even is you were against processed foods.