Food plot design?

I appreciate all the insight. I’ve already purchased 4 acres worth of Switch so I’m going to move forward on that plan, probably not to the crazy degree I was thinking but definitely get some screening in and section off food into quarter acre chunks. My buddy is frost seeding clover in the morning on about an acre and half, focus on the fruit locations for clover. also putting out mineral in morning. Made a mix mineral out of cattle mineral, trace mineral salt, molasses powder, and a little garlic. Deer are hammering cut corn now and got a good group of bucks showing daily still carrying. I’ll be there for a week in mid June to get some work done.

Anyone ever run corn and beans together? Just curious, heard a consultant praising it. Beans 70/corn 30
Corn and beans together sounds like a pretty good plot mix. You won't have anything going in the way of year round if that's an issue at all. Lots of guys trying to get food for the deer as an always something for them to eat any time of year. Up North winter is a bitch to have food available but things like winter rye and turnips or radishes are still there if the deer can get to it. The rye will come back right away in the spring and provide food then also. Corn and beans will still leave food there for awhile but then you have nothing coming back without planting is what I'm getting at.
Clover and chicory is a great combo for me and takes minimal work and keeps going on it's own. Mowing a couple times helps keep the weeds down. Throw the seed and mow if you need to.