

5 year old buck +
Can anybody remind me of the drop time pattern of Florina (a/k/a Querina)? Something like "most of them drop in X month" and "others hang on through Y month and some even onto Z month" would be great. I ordered a couple sticks from a commercial nursery and they called today and said they had so many Florina scions that they shipped me a dozen extra at no extra charge. I have plenty to topworking to do for deer, so I can put them to use, but I don't want to spend my time on a variety that drops too early.

My recollection of the disease resistance is:
Scab: R
Fire blight: MR
Powderly mildew: MR

It is the drop time I am asking about. The rest of the ratings are okay for where I am growing.

Thanks guys.
Mine ripen in October, with most apples dropping mid-October through mid-November. A few will still be hanging to Mid-December, then gone by end of the year. My notes only say “some resistance”. To what – I don’t know, but I have not seen any real problems.
I attempted to develop an "Apple drop chart" based on my orchard location in Western NY. Finally gave up as it seemed that I always had something more important to do at the time. From my limited entries in 2017, I listed Querina as dropping approximately 40% of fruit by Nov. 1st and 70% by December 1st. Drop times could be somewhat different other years based on weather conditions and location.