Flail Mower Advice


5 year old buck +
I am looking to buy a COSMO FMH205 Flail mower. Its an 81" mower with hydraulic side shift. I am finding it difficult to find reviews and/or youtube videos on this particular flail. Hopefully, the lack of reviews isn't an indication for me to walk away from this deal. Do any of you have experience or knowledge that you can share with me please? If this is not a quality implement, what would be your manufacture of choice.
A lot of things to consider: Is it a good match to your tractor hp wise? What are you planning on using it for? Mowing grasses on rough terrain or taking down thick brush or both? This mower is not quick hitch compatible if that matters to you? What is the mower rated for as far as diameter of brush it will handle? Is the hydraulic side shift needed? I ask about the side shift because that is adding to the overall cost. I like quick hitch compatible myself.
I purchased it and love it. I do not plan on cutting anything woody over 2-3 inches. I used it on a couple food plots and my trails. It's built very tough. I like it much more than my rotary cutter. Not being QH compatible sucks tho.
After you hook it up a few times you'll know "tricks" to get it hooked, The first couple times are what builds character. Glad you like the mower!