First run in with tresspassers

I had called the cops to turn in the local crime squad and told the cop exactly where they were keeping a bunch of the stolen goods and the cop I was on the phone with says " yeah, I don't like it either I only live about a mile from there". Knowing they were selling drugs and robbing everyone around and doing NOTHING about it. That's when I decided I wouldn't be involving local law enforcement ever again.
My buddy sent me videos from his place last night. They completely trashed his cabin. They took everything that had any value, including his freezer full of food. They made themselves a pizza while they robbed the place. They pissed inside the cabin, ashed cigarettes all over the place tore everything apart and what they didn't take they broke and smashed. His gun safe that was bolted to the floor got tipped over and they cut a hole in the bottom of it. There have been 12 places hit in his area in the last two weeks. They got all his hunting clothes, boots, guns, ammo, tools, chainsaws, power tools, tackleboxes, etc. They broke all of the fishing poles, cabinets, drawers, doors, etc. I hope the f******g animals die a slow and brutal death.
Sounds local and "professional". I bet the local cops know or have a good idea who is involved.
My buddy sent me videos from his place last night. They completely trashed his cabin. They took everything that had any value, including his freezer full of food. They made themselves a pizza while they robbed the place. They pissed inside the cabin, ashed cigarettes all over the place tore everything apart and what they didn't take they broke and smashed. His gun safe that was bolted to the floor got tipped over and they cut a hole in the bottom of it. There have been 12 places hit in his area in the last two weeks. They got all his hunting clothes, boots, guns, ammo, tools, chainsaws, power tools, tackleboxes, etc. They broke all of the fishing poles, cabinets, drawers, doors, etc. I hope the f******g animals die a slow and brutal death.
That's infuriating. Does he have any enemies? Has he turned anyone in or kicked anyone off his land? This seems overboard for a robbery. .
My buddy sent me videos from his place last night. They completely trashed his cabin. They took everything that had any value, including his freezer full of food. They made themselves a pizza while they robbed the place. They pissed inside the cabin, ashed cigarettes all over the place tore everything apart and what they didn't take they broke and smashed. His gun safe that was bolted to the floor got tipped over and they cut a hole in the bottom of it. There have been 12 places hit in his area in the last two weeks. They got all his hunting clothes, boots, guns, ammo, tools, chainsaws, power tools, tackleboxes, etc. They broke all of the fishing poles, cabinets, drawers, doors, etc. I hope the f******g animals die a slow and brutal death.
That sounds like someone who he knows or knows him. That sounds very personal. The more they stole, the more chance there is they will be caught. I would guess they are under the age of 25, and sloppy. My bet is they are identified within a couple weeks. Too many cameras out there to get away with crime sprees.
I know where lots of abandoned mine shafts are.
That sounds like someone who he knows or knows him. That sounds very personal. The more they stole, the more chance there is they will be caught. I would guess they are under the age of 25, and sloppy. My bet is they are identified within a couple weeks. Too many cameras out there to get away with crime sprees.
I know where lots of abandoned mine shafts are.
This happens once or twice a year in our neck of the woods - they will hit a number of properties within a week or two. They just bounce around doing recon to find cabins or homes that are vacant and easier targets. They find out who owns the place and then check their facebook profiles (most people around our farms have public profiles). Without fail, people post on social media they are on vacation and their home gets broken into or someone is on camera checking out the property. Another thing is with the tax address listed on OnX or tax documents is from someone out of state.

Everyone in the area keeps thinking one of them is going to guess wrong and end up getting shot but it never seems to happen. Nearly everyone is armed. I can't believe there are as many break-ins as there are.
Sure would be tough to not go to jail if they are found out. Wouldn't surprise me if the cops know who they are. Around here all the criminals were well known and none of them ever got in much trouble at all if any. Sickening.
Well made it pretty long this year. Went to check cameras after the morning hunt and found one open with the card gone. One of my good Gardepro's too and it won't turn on. Assuming it got moisture while it was open. Hopefully it works again after it sits and dries out. If not I bought the $5 3 year protection plan off amazon. Can't beat that for a $35 camera and a 3 year protection plan for $40 total. But sucks that's a camera I was really looking forward to seeing.
Well made it pretty long this year. Went to check cameras after the morning hunt and found one open with the card gone. One of my good Gardepro's too and it won't turn on. Assuming it got moisture while it was open. Hopefully it works again after it sits and dries out. If not I bought the $5 3 year protection plan off amazon. Can't beat that for a $35 camera and a 3 year protection plan for $40 total. But sucks that's a camera I was really looking forward to seeing.
I think part of the reason tresspassing stings so much is because we spend so much time, money, and energy on our own properties and someone invades that space. Even when there is very little monetary loss like an SD card, it makes my blood boil when someone tresspasses in this day and age.

For what it's worth, I like to think the reason they left the cameras but took the cards probably falls into two categories.
1) A neighbor or someone hunting the same deer wants free intel
2) They realized they got caught tresspassing and are just covering their tracks

I think it is probably the second group more often than not. They couldn't help themselves and wanted to see what you had growing for food plots on your land, or rationalized it as they weren't really harming anything but tresspassing when scouting for deer or going for a walk. The fact that they took multiple cards probably goes against this theory, though. I would consider hanging a legit camera high in a tree pointed at the spot as one of these, but have a cheaper camera in that spot. You might eventually catch them taking the cheaper camera's card.
I know of a guy that had one of those Spartans with gps in it. When it came out it was expensive. Well it got stolen and he was able to track and tell the police where it was. They got him with the camera and some other stolen hunting stuff. Prior record plus this felony put him away for a while. Happy ending
Watch facebook market place,craigs list and check local pawn shops.I know a guy that the crooks set off alarm but alarm company failed to call sheriff and they spent 24 hours in there stealing everything.then got seen wearing his camo at the gate by road and found a gun in pawn shop.They were still working on case. Alarm co has suit filed against them for not calling it out.
I think part of the reason tresspassing stings so much is because we spend so much time, money, and energy on our own properties and someone invades that space. Even when there is very little monetary loss like an SD card, it makes my blood boil when someone tresspasses in this day and age.

For what it's worth, I like to think the reason they left the cameras but took the cards probably falls into two categories.
1) A neighbor or someone hunting the same deer wants free intel
2) They realized they got caught tresspassing and are just covering their tracks

I think it is probably the second group more often than not. They couldn't help themselves and wanted to see what you had growing for food plots on your land, or rationalized it as they weren't really harming anything but tresspassing when scouting for deer or going for a walk. The fact that they took multiple cards probably goes against this theory, though. I would consider hanging a legit camera high in a tree pointed at the spot as one of these, but have a cheaper camera in that spot. You might eventually catch them taking the cheaper camera's card.
Ya I assumed the same. I'm mostly annoyed that I get so much info from the camera at that spot. There's a community scrape there every year and basically every buck in the area stops in there. Oh well I'll just replace the camera and plug away. One of these years I'll catch them.
I know of a guy that had one of those Spartans with gps in it. When it came out it was expensive. Well it got stolen and he was able to track and tell the police where it was. They got him with the camera and some other stolen hunting stuff. Prior record plus this felony put him away for a while. Happy ending
I used to watch a guy on youtube that used cameras to catch people dumping trash on his property. He bought expensive cameras on purpose because whatever state he was in if they stole it, it was a felony instead of a misdemeanor.
My buddy sent me videos from his place last night. They completely trashed his cabin. They took everything that had any value, including his freezer full of food. They made themselves a pizza while they robbed the place. They pissed inside the cabin, ashed cigarettes all over the place tore everything apart and what they didn't take they broke and smashed. His gun safe that was bolted to the floor got tipped over and they cut a hole in the bottom of it. There have been 12 places hit in his area in the last two weeks. They got all his hunting clothes, boots, guns, ammo, tools, chainsaws, power tools, tackleboxes, etc. They broke all of the fishing poles, cabinets, drawers, doors, etc. I hope the f******g animals die a slow and brutal death.
Absolutely brutal.. Is this near the res?
Absolutely brutal.. Is this near the res?

About 45-60 mins away from a few different res. Cops seem to think that some residents from the res are the likely suspects. Adjuster was out Saturday morning. They came up with $30,000 in property damages according to my buddy. That does not include all the personal property they took. Likely random since 11 other places were hit also.
A little update on my trespasser. Neither my farmer nor another neighbor recognized the vehicle. I think the county sheriff's department is going through some major changes, so they may need some time to work things out internally. The deputy I finally talked to after multiple attempts said they would be on the lookout. The notification email address they had is not working anymore, so I couldn't get the picture to them. Like I said, they are having a rough time getting the department in order from the sounds of it. But, I did submit the photo to the state police. Within a couple of hours a trooper called me back. He said he recognizes that vehicle as he's seen it several times. He doesn't know who it is, but sounded confident he should see it again. He notified the local game warden who will also be on the lookout. He said they will pull him over when seen.
A little update on my trespasser. Neither my farmer nor another neighbor recognized the vehicle. I think the county sheriff's department is going through some major changes, so they may need some time to work things out internally. The deputy I finally talked to after multiple attempts said they would be on the lookout. The notification email address they had is not working anymore, so I couldn't get the picture to them. Like I said, they are having a rough time getting the department in order from the sounds of it. But, I did submit the photo to the state police. Within a couple of hours a trooper called me back. He said he recognizes that vehicle as he's seen it several times. He doesn't know who it is, but sounded confident he should see it again. He notified the local game warden who will also be on the lookout. He said they will pull him over when seen.
Hell yeah. Great news.
Sounds like my buddy is gonna get some of his stuff back. He has to meet the sheriff's department at the courthouse tomorrow. The deputy that called him was tight-lipped. No idea if arrest have been made or who did it, but property has been recovered. Should know more tomorrow.